I came across these shots of a Pamela Green sketch totally by accident over on Twitter and was totally blown away by them. They are done by the very talented artist Jennalee Auclair, who can be found on Twitter, Tumblr and pretty much everywhere else 

The first image is of her sketch in progress, but even at that stage it’s obvious it’s Pam. the second shot is of the finish drawing and it’s amazing!
Both of these shots from Jennalee were obviously inspired by images of Pamela in the late 1950’s, when she had short dark hair and not the long blonde locks we are used to seeing. I would go so far as saying that the image below was used as the inspiration!
I’ve tried contacting Jennlee to see if I can get a better copy of the finished sketch, so that I could publish it on here, but so far no luck! As an artist trying to succeed I’m sure she is far too busy, but based on what I’ve seen here and some of other other work I’m sure she will succeed, so good luck Jennlee and thanks for sharing such a great sketch of Pamela 

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