Mary Deighan’s Behind (1958)

An early shot of Mary Deighan from Kamera No.11 (1958) giving us a perfect view of her great bottom as she poses bent over a bed for Harrison Marks. This photo also confirms that it may well have been taken at GHM’s flat and that this photo was taken by him as well, as it has the same curtains in both shots :)

Kamera on Location (1958)

In July I eventually managed to get hold of a copy of the 1958 hardback publication of ‘Kamera on Location’ by Harrison Marks. I’ve been after this book for sometime, but whenever it appeared on eBay it always went beyond my financial limit, due to it’s rarity.  Anyway one came up in July on eBay and I found it by accident as it wasn’t published under Harrison Marks, but vintage books. The condition was down as very good, but missing the dust cover and a price of £30, so I decided to go for that price and see what happened, well after 7 days of waiting to be outbid I won it for the asking price and a day later it turned up.

For those purists out there the lack of dust cover may have stopped most people, but for me I was after the book and content itself.

As you can see upon inspection the condition of the book itself is spot on, with the internal pages being clean, crisp and clear. The images of Pamela Green, Marie Deveraux & Lorraine Burnett within are exquisite, as you have seen from the scans here. So from my point of view worth every penny and another of Harrison Marks books to my growing collection. I now have Pamela & Kamera on Location, but still missing an actual copy of Vera & She Walks in Beauty, although I do have full scans of both books :)

As an added bonus, included in the book by the seller was the article below from an unknown magazine all about Harrison Marks and Kamera on Location, plus the inside parts of the dust cover.

I love this book and hope you do as I post more pages of it in the coming months … Enjoy!

Pamela Green – The Golden Hour!

Did Pamela Green ever take a bad photo? Looking at those I’ve published and seen so far I don’t think so, in fact the camera loved her and whatever pose she tried seemed to work. 

The above image is a good example of her at her best posing for Harrison Marks on the Scilly Isles for Kamera on Location (1958). Taken with one of GHM’s Rolleiflex (F.16/125) with a medium green filter in the golden hour (The hour before sunset) it captures Pam’s glistening body in the setting sun to perfection.  The shape she had her body, the curve of the hip toward the camera and not even looking at the camera all set this shot up and seems so effortless. Truly the golden age of glamour photography I believe!

Lorraine Burnett in Colour (Coloured)

I can’t keep up with the quantity and quality of the coloured images at which Oldiznewagain is churning them out, so cheating and taking the easy option and adding a few in one post to try and catch up!

Two shots of Lorraine Burnett coloured from two of my original posts, with the original after each coloured version.

Kamera Special No.1 (1957)

Kamera on Location (1958)

Both very good coloured versions of the originals, but my favourite is the top one as the colours look more realistic. It’s probably easier to colour a person and the skin tones than an outdoor location, as the sand, rocks and grass in the second look slightly unnatural. I also note that by colouring the images Oldiznewagain loses some of the grain and texture from the original black and white versions, giving the coloured versions a smoother feel. Again, not a criticism, rather an observation, as I know I couldn’t do anywhere as near a good a job as these and leave that to Old!  Restore yes I can do that, colour not on your life!

Pamela Green Striking a Pose! (1958)

What has quickly become my favourite ‘Non Blonde’ image of Pamela Green posing in long dark wig using a towel as a makeshift scarf/shawl. Taken on a beach on the Isles of Scilly and published in the pages of the hardback book ‘Kamera on Location’ (1958). Similar to another shot from the same set here, it doesn’t really look like Pamela with the pout.

I’ve managed to acquire a very good condition copy of Kamera on Location and I must say the images of Pamela and the other models (Marie Deveraux & Lorraine Burnett) are all fantastic :)

Just a Scarf For Protection!

A wonderful shot of Pamela Green and Marie Deveraux in nothing more than a head scarf each! Taken by Harrison Marks on the Isles of Scilly for his hardback publication ‘Kamera on Location’ in 1958. A perfect pose on the corner of an old stone wall with each of them raising a leg to add to the effect of the shot, as well as protect modesty!