Safe Shoes Prevent Purlers!

Another original June Palmer bit of memorabilia from John W*.  A British Safety Council poster featuring June Palmer. This is an old fax, sent from London to New York on 12th November 1966. I wonder if any of the original faxes survived?
For those that don’t want neck ache, the original text on the fax read:
(NY.20-Nov.  10)–WATCH YOUR PURLEY GAIT!–The British Safety Council is mailing 20,000 factories a poster featuring pretty model June Palmer in high heeled shoes taking a tumble and the slogan: Safe Shoes Prevent Purlers. Purler is Cockney slang for falling on your rear. The Council suggests that the posters be put up on factory bulletin boards as a warning that high heels cause falls.(APWirephoto by cable from London)
It seems The British Safety Council had a thing for using popular models of the time on their posters, as Dawn Grayson caused quite a stir when she appeared on a poster for eye protection.
I’m really pleased to be sharing this unique images, as I think it should be shared, but please where possible if you share elsewhere link back to this original.  

Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.


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