Long Haired June Coloured (Exclusive)

The final of three exclusively coloured June images from Oldiznewagain and probably out of them all the simplest with regards to colouring.  Perfect body tones give June’s body a smooth statuesque like property.

Thanks again to Oldiznewagain for doing these for me for the June site and original B&W published as a comparison again.

June in Silver! (Original)

Firstly Happy New Year to everyone and let’s start 2014 with a bang and an original June image taken by John W.  This is a different shot of an older June from above, laying on a silver sheet wearing a big silver chain.

This was taken at Arthur Howell’s house in 1986 by John and at the same time a short cine film called ‘Jubilee’ was shot that included June in the same chain and silver sheet.  

Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.