I love finding memorabilla connected to Harrison Marks and others, be it postcards, prints, magazine articles and catalogues. In this case it’s a 4 page leaflet advertising four Kamera Cine Films under the heading Favourites of the Pharaohs, featuring 6 models, although I’ve counted more! From top left going clockwise the films and models are:
Episode 1, No.77 – The Bath, featuring Tina McGowan and Danielle Denise
Episode 2, No.78 – The Dance, featuring Danielle Denise, Penny Winters and Laya
Episode 3, No.79 – The Slave Market, featuring Hyldagarde (Hilde Beck)
Episode 4, No.80 – The Mummy, featuring Teri Martine and Tina McGowan
The special offer of an exclusive colour film of Sanda is of course Sandra Cassano and hat a fabulous colour leaflet to add to my growing collection of vintage catalogues.
A big thank you must go to Dave over at Rambooks, who scanned and sent this over along with some other great catalogue copies I’ve still to edit, but I couldn’t resist this one! If your looking for a huge catalogue of vintage magazines and other memorabilia go give them a look 🙂