The Mighty Angela Doubled

The mighty and magnificent Angela Duncan in double. From an original 35mm black and white negative taken in the studio, a stunning view of Angela’s figure in double. Just look at those big tits and magnificent curves. Enough to rouse any man from his sick bed!

Thanks to all for the support and good wishes as things slowly return to normal. Please be patient with me as things will remain slow for a while ☺ 


Site Update

Firstly a huge thank you to everyone for the messages of well wishes and support. I read through them all today and all are greatly appreciated

Secondly I’m home and recovering after being rushed into hospital on New Year’s Day and spending 6 days there with gall stones and pancreitus. Glad to say I’m now home and getting better. The bad news is I have to return later in the month for an operation, so things are going to remain quiet on the site until February.

Again, thank you to all for the support and I will return with renewed vigor, but minus a gall bladder soon. Hopefully sharing many new shots of the beauties piling up on my desk 😉


Site Hiatus

Due to an unforseen medical emergency and hospitalisation there will be no further activity on the site until further notice

Anyone applying for membership please wait until posts start again. All those that have applied in recent days have been emailed.

