“QT The Best of Beauty” Magazine a popular British glamour magazine of the 1960’s, featuring the photos of Russell Gay and such great models as Rosina Revelle, Hazel Taylor, Lorraine Burnett, Sally Douglas, June Palmer, Jackie Parker, Margaret Nolan, Molly Peters, Frankie Young, Annette Johnson, Teri Martine, Julie Collins and Nicky Stevens, to name a few.
QT was the best known magazine in which Russell Gay’s photos were published, but there were more of them, including Model, Amber, Coral.
Today, QT and Russell Gay are rather overshadowed by Harrison Marks and Kamera.
What did QT stand for? Maybe the British way of saying “cutie”, or maybe a reference to “on the QT”, ie. to be enjoyed quietly/secretly. Neither have been confirmed as the real reason for the title, but both would work!*
QT No.6 (Diane Hedges or du Bois)
 QT No.10 (Mary Marshall)
 QT No.12 (Michelle Martin)
QT No.13 (Lorraine Burnett)
QT No.14 (Sally Ann Scott)
 QT No.15 (Valerie Kent)
QT No.18 (Vickie Lorraine)
The first 20 covers above, some are missing, some are not so good quality wise and some I’ve not identified the cover model. Anyone that can fill the gaps or has better quality photo’s or can identify the models please do let me know.
Thanks to Portland for filling the gaps on the first 20 covers and for identifying all the cover model names.
* Source: QTGlam