Jackie Salt in the Sand! – Solo No.23 (1961)

Jackie Salt on the beach from Solo No.23 P30 (1961) dedicated to images of her taken by Harrison Marks. She looks rather pensive in this shot, probably the thought of all that sand in her bits 🙂



Jackie Salt – Solo No.23 Cover (1961)

Jackie Salt on the cover of Solo No.23 (1961) dedicated to images of her taken by Harrison Marks. Jackie appeared in both Kamera and other GHM publications during the early 1960’s, including one of the starring roles in the film ‘Naked as Nature Intended’, but I can’t say she was one of my favourite GHM models!

Compared to other models she had a very slim frame and very small perky boobs, which is probably why I shy away from her images, as I am much more of a curves man! Regardless of her figure, she always seemed to be very smiley in all her images and the film 🙂
