Terry Peters – Reclined Chaise Lounge View! (Original)

Another of my purchases from eBay, this time a 35mm negative strip containing 6 images of Terry Peters. This one is the first of 3 shots of Terry posing reclined on the chaise lounge in an open white negligee, with 3 more of her then posing on cushions on the floor in open black negligee. As you can see the quality after scanning is really good, with only minor tweaks to contrast and the removal of the odd minor scratch.

I don’t have a date for these, but based on the look of Terry and her hair style and colour, I would guess these are late 1960’s, after she had posed for Harrison Marks in Kamera, but that’s just a guess? She also looks slightly older in these, but still a stunning shot to add to the collection


Note: This is an image from an original negative and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

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