Christine Carter – Kneeling Nude (Original)

An uncensored kneeling view of Tina Graham by Harrison Marks, but she was better known later in her career as Christine Carter. Christine appeared as Tina Graham in several editions of Kamera, with her main appearances being in Kamera No.46 & 47 (1961). I’ve not seen this shot appear in Kamera, but it could have appeared in Solo No.28 as I don’t have a copy. A fabulous pose and shot of Christine wherever it appeared 🙂

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  1. Lovely smooth shot!

  2. Lovely elegant body and pose. Very1960s.

  3. Wonder, I don’t know if this was intentional on your part, but this makes a very nice companion piece the previous post of Caroline. The two shots echo one another well. Christine could also be listening to music on an unseen pair of headphones.


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