June Palmer – Rooftop Rapier! (Original)
A different view of June in more than one way, from a rooftop and clothed! June on the roof of Strobe Studio dressed in red leotard and boots posing in a fencing stance with a fencing/rapier sword. I’m not 100% sure, but think she had some fencing lessons during her time with Arthur Howell, as she’s also seen fencing in the video ‘Brides in the Bath’ Part 2 and obviously a prop from Arthur’s stuntman/acting days?
Yvonne Warren by Harrison Marks
Rosanna Garnon – A Xmas Box Full of Surprises!
June Russell – All Decked Out! (Original)
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June & The Standing Lamp (Original)
Maria Hale – Anything Good on TV Tonight, Dear! (1958)
June Palmer – Backstage Bling! (Original)
The second backstage shot of June from the set of 8 original Harrison Marks glamour slides (Set No.60), which I recently purchased. The slides themselves are excellent quality with very few blemishes on them, but unfortunately over time they have gained a magenta tinge to them. I love the pose from June in this one with her arm across her forehead and the bling on her panties and high heels, giving her a look and feel of a stripper backstage, which I assume was the idea.
Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.