Annette Johnson – A Platinum Rear! (Original)

If I’m honest Annette Johnson isn’t one of my favourite models, but I do prefer her when she was a platinum blonde in the mid 1960’s. This is a shot of her from an original negative scanned by Kevin and although I’m not sure about the location, there is another shot of Annette on this wall that appears in Lenz No.3 by Ken Williams. Nice shot of her looking over her shoulder in black panties and stockings though!

Kim Courtenay – Girl Illustrated (1966)

Having said there are not enough shots out there of Audrey Judson (Kim Courtenay) here is a cracking shot of her from Girl Illustrated, Summer Edition (1966).  What I hadn’t noticed in the Harrison Marks shots is that she has freckles and very small nipples, but a wonderfully coy look as well!

June Palmer – Leotards & Ladders, Part 2 (Original)

The second shot of June posing in the studio with a step-ladder in a leotard sent through by John! This time a side view of June in a very fetching leopard skin leotard/swimsuit and I suppose it’s really a swimsuit, but it fits in with the step-ladder set. Other June and Step Ladder shots are posted here


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

June Posing at Scotlee Studio (1979)

A beautiful pose and shot of June taken by Itsgardin at Scotlee Studio in 1979, nothing more to say really other than enjoy!

June Palmer – Peach Perfect! (Original)

Another restored image from an original, this time from Kevin and his collection, but still a superb shot of June. Posing in the studio her figure and long dark hair contrast well with the peach background. Thanks Kevin!

June on Glass, Box 1 Plate No.4 – An Intimate Study (Original)

The fourth shot of June converted by John from a set of original glass photographic plates taken by Leslie Bainbridge in 1960 (12th August).

This has to be one of the more intimate shots of June I’ve seen, as it clearly shows her smooth nether region and protruding labia. There are other uncensored shots of June in her early career, but most offer a front view and don’t show the detail as in this shot.  Likewise later in her career she has a more natural look that hides the labia, which is an erotic look in itself. This view of her with no hair just seems so much more intimate and not a view we often see, either by the way June has posed or at the hand of the retouchers! A stunningly intimate pose from June!

June Palmer – Long Black Negligee Studio Pose (Original)

The start of another small set of images of June from John, this time posing in a familiar long black negligee. This time she’s posing in a studio setting with a nice red background and very 1960’s red and white chair!