June Perfect in Purple (Coloured)

I thought I’d published the original black and white versions of these shots coloured by Oldiznewagain, but on looking back apparently not! Just goes to show you I spend too much time looking at June images and thinking I know what I’ve published, so I may have to go back through the archive and see what else I’ve missed. Two great coloured versions from the same set from Oldiznewagain here and really like the use of the purple for the negligee/dress.

Nicky Stevens – Kamera Calendar, November 1968

Out of sync with my other 1968 Kamera Calendar posts, but I’m sure you’ll forgive me! The November page of the 1968 Kamera Calendar featuring Nicky Stevens in the snow with nothing more than white boots, hat and hand warmer to protect her from the elements! 
Don’t forget today is the last UK postal day for all your 2nd class post if you want people to get it before Xmas! What a service I provide, nude women, witty banter and public service announcements 🙂

Happy Christmas & 1 Year Old!

Where did that year go! A quick note to say that it’s been a year since I started this dedicated site to June Palmer and I can’t believe it! In that time I’ve published over 360 images of June through-out her career and beyond, most of them original never before seen shots ranging from candid holiday shots to early nude shots.  I’ve made many new contacts that have both known and photographed June, all of whom have provided stories and their own images of her.  The site continues to grow and go from strength to strength and to think I worried if I should do this a year ago as there wouldn’t be enough interest. The images I see of June continue to surprise and excite me, and she is as popular now as she ever was to her fans.

I have a few people to thank for their continued support of this site, as without them I’m sure it wouldn’t be as popular. Firstly John W, whose dedication to June through his own work of her, both images and video’s and his huge June archive have helped make this site what it is, without his continued support I wouldn’t have seen or shared half the original June images this last 12 months. Secondly a big thanks to all the other fans and photographers that have shared their own images of June, including Itsgardin, Oldiznewagain, Minimunster and others that wish to remain anonymous.  Here’s to another fruitful 12 months of the fabulous June Palmer.

Finally all that is left to say is thank you and I hope you all have a very Happy Christmas and New Year and I look forward to sharing more Just June with you in 2015.

Dawn Grayson – Understated Beauty!

Sometimes the simplest of shots work the best without the need for a model to take her clothes off! This is one of those shots of Dawn Grayson looking ravishing, laying dressed on a sofa, although I wouldn’t object if she proceeded to take her clothes off! I have no idea where this shot originates from or even if there are any more, but an enjoyable view anyway.

Some Candy For Christmas!

June as Candy (short silver wig) posing outdoors in the sun giving us a great view of her tanned body and luscious bush! couldn’t resist the post title and this shot comes from Minimunster’s June collection.

Paula Page – Blonde or Brunette?

Two shots of Paula Page with her magnificent chest on display, but one as a blonde and one of her with darker hair, but which do you prefer? And does it even matter what colour her hair is, because let’s face it you keep getting distracted by other things! Personally I prefer blondes 🙂

That’s Not The Alps, Terry! (Original)

After commenting yesterday that I was running out of snow shots for the festive season up popped this shot in my inbox from Terry, with the following note:
‘Looking at the site today I see that you say you are running out of snow pictures. I thought you may like the attached shot of me working with a French girl called Marieange, in the snow at Walden Manor. The quality is not great, it’s from a print given to me by Jim Clark (owner of Walden Manor) who took it. This was my first shoot with this girl and I also had a session with her and Rena Brown working together behind closed doors in a Boutique in Camden Town.’
Fantastic candid shot of Terry himself at work, although I’m not sure about the white winter coat and the poor girl must have been frozen like that! I’d love to see some of the Rena Brown shots as have so few of her for the site, but a big thanks to Terry for this great shot and always worth sharing.