June Palmer Studio Pose (Restored)

Another restored shot of June from a 35mm slide and again I’m not sure which I prefer? The restored colour version still has a red tinge to it, but I liked it and trying to restore it further just made the image washed out. I also converted it to black and white and quite like that version as well, so torn between the two.

Anyway I’ve included both and maybe Oldiznewagain can try his hand at a colour version?

Elaine Desmond – Pigtails on The Beach (Original)

A restored 35mm slide of Elaine Desmond posing for Harrison Marks on a Cornwall beach in pigtails. One of the better shots of her from this shoot and obviously a favourite spot for GHM, as these don’t appear to be from Kamera on Location 66, but the locations are the same.

Julie – Checking The Make-up! (Original)

Another original shot of Julie by Harrison Marks (From Kevin) giving us a great view of her as she looks at her reflection in the mirror. Interesting to see Nivea on the dressing table and if you look closely you get a glimpse of Julie’s lovely bush, cracking shot all round!

Nicky Stevens on Location (1966)

I had a request for some Nicky Stevens, so here it is 🙂 The request was for Nicky au natural, but on checking I don’t actually have any of her in all her glory, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever seen any! I’m sure there must be some out there but as of yet non have come my way, but I will keep a look out for them. 
This shot comes from Harrison Marks and was taken as part of the ‘On Location 66’ shoot down in Cornwall

June Palmer – Never in The Red! (Original)

I’ve seen several prints similar to this of June posing with this red background, but never one as good as this, but then it comes from an original negative scan so it’s bound to be better than most. I tried to think of a catchy title for the post as the shot has June with the primary colours of blue and red, but this was the best I could come up with! Either way a wonderful studio pose of June using the blue sheet to good effect.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Jackie Parker Giving You Both Barrels!

There’s something about big boobed girls with guns that just makes you empty both barrels, so to speak and Jackie Parker is no exception 🙂
Here we have Ms Parker posing with two shotguns on the wood pile wearing next to nothing. At first I thought she was wearing tights, but on closer inspection it’s only the shadows and she’s wearing nothing but that thing tied round her waist, whatever it is! Anyway I must shoot (I know enough with the double entendres!) and could this be at Ewhurst?