Rachel Wells & The White Silk Dress (Original)

June Palmer as Rachel Wells (short dark wig) in a long white silk dress, taken in a hotel room on holiday, possibly Corsica again!  This comes from a set of 6 images and on looking, most of the images of JP as Rachel Wells seem to be on location somewhere warm or on holiday and taken on 120 film format by Arthur Howell.

Note: All images, original or otherwise have been carefully edited and restored where required and a lot of effort has gone into this and subject to this copyright notice.  Please feel free to share, but kindly link back to this original if sharing elsewhere, Many Thanks! – Wonder

June Palmer – Pix Magazine (High Res)

A beautiful image in high resolution of June Palmer from Pix Magazine Vol.2 No.5, Page 2.  Providing another internal shot of Ewhurst, as you can just see the driveway through the window and that vase appears in other shots around the house! Scanned from John W’s own private collection and restored by me 🙂

June Palmer – Girl Illustrated No.37

As promised, June Palmer from the pages of Girl Illustrated Vol.4 No.37 (1970).  The magazine shows three monochrome pictures, where she is shown wearing unzipped trousers and has shoulder length hair. The single colour shot appears to be an older photograph. GI states that she is only rarely modelling at the time, but has returned to the pages by popular request. This would tie in with the published date of 1970 and JP’s ‘retirement’ from public modelling, until her re-appearance in 1977.

June Palmer Coloured From Girl Illustrated

It feels like a bit of a June Palmer day, not that there is anything wrong with that!  Another coloured version of June Palmer from my friend Oldiznewagain over on Tumblr and it always amazes me how good he gets the skin tones on these!

The original comes from Girl Illustrated magazine published in 1970 and is part of a set of 4 images and I’ll be publishing the full set of images later.