That’s a Big Chopper Ms Brown!

Two shots of Gerry Brown on the Harrison Marks dungeon set posing with a very big axe and a birch rod! For the uninitiated the birch rod was used as a form of corporal punishment, typically applied to the recipient’s bare buttocks, although occasionally to the back and/or shoulders, ouch! These shots were from the publication Range No.5, which included a full set of pictures of Ms Brown posing on the dungeon set.

Gerry Brown – Range No.5

Gerry (Geraldine) Brown on the cover and inside pages of Range Magazine No.5 which was published along with it’s sister magazine ‘Mentor’ in the late 1960’s.  Both magazines had the same format, semi coloured cover with black and white images inside.  This issue was nearly all dedicated to Gerry posing in the dungeon set and almost certainly photographed by GHM. Dotted throughout were other images, including Cindy Neal and Jayne Tracey.

Cindy Neal

Another of the lesser known models who appeared in Kamera No.88.  She also starred in the Harrison Marks film ‘Pattern of Evil’ (released in the U.S. as “Fornicon”), along with Monique Devereaux, Yvonne Paul and Jutka Goz.