Margaret Nolan – Everyone’s Favourite Poster Girl!

A shot of Margaret Nolan posing with girlie magazine’s and posters of herself on the wall in the background. I thought she was wearing some sort of bloomers, but on looking at other shots it seems to be a sheer sheet or nightie she has pulled around her waist. A great shot of Margaret, shame about the wig!

Shoot! It’s Virginia Green

Virginia Green, one of my favourite redheads posing as a cowgirl for Russell Gay. A view that would make any man misfire himself 🙂 Re-printed in 1950’s Glamour Book and I have another shot from this set that was one of the first VG shots I published.

Terry Maloney & The Stuffed Leopard!

Terry Maloney by Russell Gay from Model No.14 posing with a stuffed leopard of all things! There are four shots in this magazine of Terry in different poses with the leopard, but thankfully Terry’s massive tits are a much better distraction!