Three shots from an unknown publication of Maria Clarence posing in a very frilly see through skirt in someone’s front room. She’s stood right in front of the TV, not that anyone would want to watch it with that view on show!
Tag: TV
The Perky Peaks of Linda Lloyd (1965)
June’s Sofa in Suburbia (Original)
Two more original shots from John of June in Suburbia and from the same set of shots as this other photo. Both show June posing front and back on a very 1960’s style Sofa with a cracking style TV in the background!
Thanks to John for sending these over, as I love seeing these shots of June in someone’s front room.
Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.
June In Suburbia, More Front Room Frolics! (Original)
Another original shot from the John archives of June in suburbia. Same location as this shot, but different attire or lack of it! You can’t disagree though that June like this would be a very warming addition to any front room! Cracking furniture and very 1960’s but I do wonder about the curtains and what colour they were? I imagine them to be some psychedelic blue or orange for some reason.