I’d just like to wish all followers and members of the site a very Happy Christmas! I’d also like to thank all of the friends and supporters of the site that have provided feedback and images over the past year. It’s always appreciated and without your continued support the site wouldn’t be half as good as it is.
The above Christmas scene is of an unknown model by Harrison marks on the Festive set posing nude by the Christmas Tree. The original shot appeared in the Kamera Winter Special P5 (1966), but this is from the original negative in my collection. No idea on the model name, but have plenty of shots of her on this set and others and she’s down as Unknown Model No.7 on the unknown models page.
I can’t quite believe the site will be entering it’s 5th year in 2018 as time seems to have flown past, but long may it continue and I hope you all have a relaxing break over Christmas and a prosperous New Year 🙂