H is For Harrison Marks (Xmas Calendar)

The man himself Harrison Marks! Photographed here on location in 1958 with Pamela Green (dark wig) and Marie Deveraux (blonde wig). A typical shot of GHM with camera in hand and a cigarette not too far away! Taken on the Scilly Isles, this shot of Harrison Marks and two of his most popular models appeared in his hardback book Kamera on Location P8 (1958).

C is For Coon (Xmas Calendar)

Caroline Coon as Mary Stephan (Blonde wig) in the uncensored version of a shot originally published in the Kamera Winter Special (1966). This version, which I prefer was actually published in Nature’s Intention Vol.1 No.2 P42 (1969). 

Beautiful Brenda!

The beautiful 1960’s US model Brenda Denaut, real name Mardi Arquette and mother of Hollywood actresses Rosanna and Patricia Arquette. Busty Brenda as well as posing nude for magazines also had her own acting career in a string of low-budget sexploitation flicks in the 1960’s, including Olga’s House of Shame (1964).

I love this rare colour shot of Brenda and thanks as always to Kevin for sharing 🙂

Y is For Yerner (Xmas Calendar)

Y is for Nicole Yerner, another model that posed for Harrison Marks but unfortunately I have no actual shots of her by GHM, but she did appear in two adult home movies including ‘Nicole’ and his Maximus Films release ‘Aphrodesia Part 2’. These two shots of Nicole come from a different publication, similar to Range or SBS, but I couldn’t identify this particular title.

Rosalie Peters – Bobble Hat & Boots! (1967)

Rosalie Peters wearing just a bobble hat, boots and gloves from Kamera No.79 P28 (1967). I couldn’t resist scanning and posting this from my new collection of Kamera magazines, as the theme seemed quite appropriate on the run up to Xmas.

A beautifully posed shot of Rosalie, but I could never understand the need for the long blonde wig? Rosalie also appears on the cover of Kamera No.79 along with 15 other pages, including two colour shots in the centre pages. All are snow themed or taken on the Winter/Festive set by Harrison Marks, so one does wonder if this was the December edition from 1967?

Kamera Magazine No. 70 to No.89 (1966-68)

An early Christmas present to myself arrived today 🙂 Consecutive copies of Kamera from No.70 through to the last edition at No.89. All are in very good condition considering they are 50 years old, the pages are clean,crisp and flat with no fading and the colour on the covers as you can see is very good as well.

Very pleased with my purchase and it fills a big gap in my collection of the later Kamera editions, which surprisingly are harder to come by than some of the earlier ones! This little lot also features some of my favourite models such as Barbara Halks, Hyldagarde (Hilde Beck), Velma Loftus and June Palmer of course! This should keep me busy scanning on the run up to Christmas and it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it! Not that I mind staring at pages of naked women each day 🙂

I also have some duplicates, so look out for those being sold off to help my addiction in the near future! The duplicates are No.70, 80, 81, 86, 87 and No.88 if anyone is interested and wants to make me a reasonable offer?

P is for Palmer (Xmas Calendar)

P is for Palmer! June Palmer of course and a perfect addition to anyone’s Xmas list. This particular shot is from a collection of excellent quality 10 by 8 prints sent over by Scott and features June with long hair and long necklace hanging down around one breast. Taken in 1965 it comes from the same set of images as these taken at Ewhurst Manor that also appeared in Dude magazine.

Diane Clare – Highlighted Beauty! (Original)

The fourth shot of Diane Clare from a set of 5 prints sent over by John from Oxxbridge of her posing in the shadows with a black background. In this shot the light from the left perfectly highlights her face as she turns towards the light, but we also get a more frontal view of her figure with shadows cast across it from her arms. The rest of the shots published so far from this stunning set of Diane can be found here.