The stunning Maya Singh (Ann Stephens) stood posing in open black negligee exposing her beautiful curves. A superb set (members see all images) of Maya and her big round tits and thick dark bush.
Rosalie Revealed (Original)
Rosalie Peters on the village set at Lily Place and another rare shot of her without the blonde wig. The censored version of this shot appeared in Kamera No.81 P44 (1967) and is one of two shots of her in this edition, but this is a fuller body shot. This version that comes direct from the negative obviously shows the completely uncensored version with Rosalie showing off a very fine covering of recently grown hair over her very neat and tidy mound. An obvious appendix scar is more visible in this version as well.
Thanks to Kevin for a copy of this shot and it’s always nice to see the original version before the retouchers get hold of it for publication 🙂
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Lee Southern – A Barrow Load of Fun!
Strawberry Blonde on Pink!
Two shots of an unknown strawberry blonde posing on a pink sofa from a fabulous set of restored colour prints sent over by John from Oxxbridge. I’ve seen this model before in other sets of prints and various US magazines from the 1960’s not no idea who she is, although I assume she is a US model? Fabulous figure and love the black and red panties in the second shot, a stark contrast against those milky white tits.
Roxanne Brewer – Additional Support Required!
Bobby’s Boobs! (1966)
Suzi Shane – A Nice Rack On Her! (1967)
Suzi Shane posing on a rack in the dungeon set by Harrison Marks. Most of the shots of Suzi posing on the dungeon set appeared in Kamera No.84 (1967) including a very similar colour shot to this one on the cover. I’ve previously posted a more revealing uncensored shot of Suzi from the same set here, but this shot has her ripped skirt just covering her bits!