Ann Austin in Colour (Coloured)

Time for a couple more images originally in black and white, but coloured by Oldiznewagain, this time Ann Austin and her wonderfully curvy figure! As usual the coloured version followed by the original version and I’ve doubled up on the images again 🙂

The next shot wasn’t one of my originals, but liked it anyway.

Lorraine Burnett – Caught in the Act!

Lorraine Burnett with a very severe haircut looking like she’s either been caught in the act of doing something or trying to look coy at being naked and trying to cover up her breasts and other parts! I’ll go for the later, but her expression just looks comical rather than real! You can just hear her saying  “Oh don’t!” like something out of a ‘Carry On’ film 🙂

Della’s Rose (Original)

Since I received this image from Kevin I’ve not be able to stop staring at it, as it’s an absolute stunner! One of the most engaging and beautiful shots of Della Fox I’ve ever seen, as she stands shrouded in light holding that rose. Everything about it works and shows off her figure and those fantastic tits to great effect, there is even a hint of pussy if you look closely, which I have for a long time 😉

Time to stare at it some more … enjoy! and Thanks Kevin your a star for sharing this beauty.