Margaret Nolan in Chains! (1966)

This is an interesting shot and not for the obvious one of it being Margaret Nolan in chains! This shot of Margaret is from the Whitestone book No.71 ‘Paris Photo Beauty by Serge Jacques’ and taken by Serge Jacques, but looks more like a Harrison Marks shot to me, along with another shot in the book of her, which I know is from GHM. I suppose as Whitestone produced a number of these books by well known photographers images will have been swapped about, but I’m not even sure Maggie ever posed for Serge Jacques?
Thanks to Napo over on VEF for the scan.

Margaret Nolan – Everyone’s Favourite Poster Girl!

A shot of Margaret Nolan posing with girlie magazine’s and posters of herself on the wall in the background. I thought she was wearing some sort of bloomers, but on looking at other shots it seems to be a sheer sheet or nightie she has pulled around her waist. A great shot of Margaret, shame about the wig!

Margaret’s Frilly Knickers! – Part 3

Part 3 of Margaret Nolan and her frilly knickers, this time a colour shot! A great find and nice to see what colour those frilly knickers were, red! The set of three images so far can all be seen here.

Margaret’s Frilly Knickers! – Part 1

Margaret Nolan posing on a bedroom stool in black frilly knickers (if that’s what you call them!) and long gloves. Looking very glamorous in the bedroom, hardly sleeping attire, although I doubt sleeping would be on anyone’s mind seeing her like that.