How Much Editing Do I Do?

Someone asked the question on how much I edit the images published on here, which doesn’t have a straightforward answer!  It depends! It depends on the size and quality of the original, but my view is that I only restore or enhance, but not alter.  Most of the time it’s restoring colour, removing blemishes and scratches and tweaking highlights and contrast and re-sizing if they are large files.  Overall, nothing that drastically alters the context of the original.

I’ll use another June Palmer shot as an example.

The original image scanned directly from a 120 film negative

 My Edit – A slight crop of the image, colours enhanced and restored & a few scratches removed and that is it!

The purists will say don’t mess with the original, but I prefer the colours in my edit!   

The image is another JP original from John W of June as Joanna Kent in strawberry blonde wig on the beach and I love it!  I think it’s the pose and June’s bum!

Safe Shoes Prevent Purlers!

Another original June Palmer bit of memorabilia from John W*.  A British Safety Council poster featuring June Palmer. This is an old fax, sent from London to New York on 12th November 1966. I wonder if any of the original faxes survived?
For those that don’t want neck ache, the original text on the fax read:
(NY.20-Nov.  10)–WATCH YOUR PURLEY GAIT!–The British Safety Council is mailing 20,000 factories a poster featuring pretty model June Palmer in high heeled shoes taking a tumble and the slogan: Safe Shoes Prevent Purlers. Purler is Cockney slang for falling on your rear. The Council suggests that the posters be put up on factory bulletin boards as a warning that high heels cause falls.(APWirephoto by cable from London)
It seems The British Safety Council had a thing for using popular models of the time on their posters, as Dawn Grayson caused quite a stir when she appeared on a poster for eye protection.
I’m really pleased to be sharing this unique images, as I think it should be shared, but please where possible if you share elsewhere link back to this original.  

Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.



Nice Dimples June!

Another original shot of JP taken by Arthur Howell, probably late 1960’s
that I’ve never seen before.*  Converted from a medium format 120 film negative and all I’ve done to the shot is tidy up some dirt on the image and tweaked the colour (originally a sepia colour).
I’m really pleased to be sharing these unique shots, as I think they should be shared but please where possible if you share elsewhere link back to this original.

Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.


June Palmer – Original ‘Calamity June’ 16mm Film Scan

And now for something completely different and original!  A scan of an original piece of the colour 16mm film ‘Calamity June’. 

The first thing I noticed was it was in colour, as the copy of ‘Calamity June’ I have is black and white!  This was from a reel of offcuts and out-takes from Arthur Howell, provided to a contact of mine John*, who had hoped there would be enough to make his own version of the film, but sadly there wasn’t. At least there are some nice stills to share.
Arthur told John he had sold the 16mm colour originals of his films to George Harrison Marks, so who knows where they are today, but a 16mm copy, surfaced on Australian eBay a few years ago and went for about £5000!
Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.