June Palmer – Purple Pose (Original) & 500th Post!

The purple Chaise lounge and sheepskin rug make a reappearance in this studio shot of June sent through by John. Taken in the 1970’s at Scotlee studio’s June is seen elegantly reclined on the chaise lounge, giving us a perfect view of her body with a hint of bush with the sheepskin rug spread out majestically before her! I may be wrong but this looks to be a different from this purple chaise lounge set and at least the third set I’ve seen with June posing on it.

I also just realized that this is also the 500th post dedicated to June on the site, which isn’t bad going!


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Boobs, A Basque & That Rug! (Original)

The third shot of June in Orange Basque, this time laying down on the sheepskin rug looking upwards.  A great side profile shot of June’s upper half.



Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

A Very Woolly Story (Original)

A very odd title for this post I know, but bare with me (pun intended!) After publishing this post  mentioning the fabled sheepskin rugs that appear in many shots from Strobe, itsgarden contacted me to give me this great little story about the said rugs.

‘As to the sheepskins, as you can imagine floor boards can be pretty hard to sit on/lie on for a couple of hours whilst posing for photographs. So when I first met June at ScotLee Studios the only complaint she ever had been the hardness of floor boards and the marks on her body they left. So being a country boy, I suggested she used sheepskin rugs to make the floor softer and to prevent marks on her from pressure points. I duly supplied 6 full-sized sheepskins to Brian Scott at Scotlee and another 6 to Arthur when I started to use Strobe Studios. She was forever grateful.’

So, there we have it, the origins of the fabled sheepskin rugs and where they came from and why they appear in so many shots! Well done Itsgardin as you are quite right, June didn’t need her delicate pressure points up against those hard floorboards, that just wouldn’t have done and thanks for the great story 🙂

Oh and the above shot of Itsgardin was used because there was some rug in the background and I love the sheer nightie showing her great tits and it was taken at the Scotlee studio’s in 1979