Having slept on and digested the news that I can no longer host The Kamera Club on Google’s free Blogger site due to the content I post I’ve decided the site will continue in some form, but I’m still looking at options.
The reason for doing this site in the first place was for several reasons, I love the subject of glamour photography from back in the 1950’s and 60’s and it still fascinates me today. I want to try and capture this content, the models, magazines and photographers before we lose it and this format is a good way of sharing it with others. I’ve had lots of great feedback and interaction from others that also enjoy the subject now or were part of it back then. I have made lots of good contacts, that not only provide lots of great information to the site, but original content as well! For all these reasons it seems a shame to stop now.
Now the hard bit! I make no money from the site and do it because I like doing it and want to share the content I have. A free site made this easy, as I had no overhead costs, other than my time and effort, but now if I want to continue to share the content I need to move the blog and the options I have are:
- Stop completely – Can’t do it, won’t do it and would be gutted if I had to stop!
- Use another free hosting site such as Tumblr – I have a matching Tumblr blog for The Kamera Club and it has over 6000 followers, but again it comes back to control. Layout and design is restricted and I again have no control over the content should Tumblr decide it’s unsuitable and delete the account or content!
- Pay for hosting for a WordPress site – I do this for my Just June site (thanks to a generous donation) and it works well. I have complete control and freedom to post and do as I wish, the interaction is good and I have great creative control, but at a cost!
Anyway those are my options and I’m moving towards a paid hosted site, but looking at the costing options now.
So a question, would you pay for the content and access to the site? I have always tried to avoid having you to sign up as members to my sites, be it free or paid as I have always believed the content should be free for all to access without restrictions or username and passwords to remember. But would you support the site and keep it free and open with a one off donation? No fixed fee, just a one off, whatever you can afford payment to help towards the hosting so it can continue? As you can see with the official Harrison Marks site, even with a one off payment for membership, but restricting content to paid up members the site has struggled and will be closing later this year, a model that I want to avoid.
So what are your thoughts?
I’ll continue to look at the options, but want to thank you all for your support and contributions thus far as it’s been fantastic and long may it continue!