Bobby Sparrow – Heart Shaped Heaven! (Original)

The final three fun filled shots of Bobby Sparrow taken by Terry Sparks at Pegwell Bay, Kent in 1972. These shots sure show Bobby as the model Terry remembers a ‘very lively girl and good fun to have a laugh with’ and we also get a great view of her pussy trimmed in the shape of a heart! The final two are fantastic shots, as any photographer will know trying to capture motion, let alone water splashes is hard at the best of times, but Terry nails it in these photo’s of Bobby. Not only is Bobby in focus, but so are the water splashes, which give the shots a real sense of movement and fun.

Brilliant shots and thanks to Terry for a great set of Bobby 🙂


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

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  1. Great pictures as usual, thanks to Terry for sharing


  2. Is it me, or does the angle of this photo make the model look anorexic ? Look at the right arm holding the pole.

  3. Have seen classier poses. This just doesn’t do justice to the model. A pose I think better executed clothed.

  4. He certainly got that !


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