Gina by Rosalinda

The cover of Gina by Rosalinda which was a small format magazine full of images featuring ‘Gina’ or as we know her Ann Austin! I’ve seen other magazines ‘by Rosalinda’ and had always assumed incorrectly that this was the name of the publisher or such. It actually turns out that Rosalinda is a female photographer and this magazine actually features a part mirror selfie of Rosalinda and Ann. Well there you go another thing I didn’t know!

A Red Robyn (Original)

Robyn (Susan Flynn) from a restored late 1950’s 35mm colour slide from my own collection. Sadly this is the best I could get the colours from a very degraded and red negative, but it still give you a fabulous shot of Robyn’s curves and those large puffie nipples 🙂


Note: This is an image from an original negative and subject to this copyright notice.

Hanna Viek – Young at Heart!

Hanna Viek and friend on the cover of the early 1980’s magazine Young at Heart Vol.1 No.1 and looking like they are enjoying themselves! And yes as the sticker clearly states I’ve seen some of the photo’s inside and they are indeed explicit of Hanna, leaving little to ones imagination. Fortunately or unfortunately dependant on your view of the explicit stuff the images I have are not good quality, so I’ve left them off. But that’s not to say I wouldn’t mind a good copy of them if anyone has them?

Tina Madison – On The Inside Looking Out! (Original)

A very moody black and white shot of Tina Madison posing on a window ledge looking away from the camera. It could well be a room at Walden or Ewhurst, but I’m leaning towards Ewhurst as they had the diamond shaped leaded windows. I love the pose from Tina with her knee up and the shadows created from the light coming through the window.


Photo Session Featuring June Palmer (Video)

Time for another glamour film from the Harrison Marks library and this is another from the Kamera Cine Film collection, but is a double whammy as it also includes both June Palmer and Harrison Marks himself. This is Kamera Cine Film No.34 titled ‘Photo Session’, a 75 ft. black and white film taken in 1963. The exciting part about this film, other than it featuring June in her prime, is the location, which is one of my favourite locations, Ewhurst Manor. In this 6 minute film we not only get to see June in various poses for GHM, but in different parts of Ewhurst. We see the cottage door to the left of the main house, one of it’s bedrooms, the familiar main front door and various parts of the garden. For me seeing Ewhurst as part of the film always seems to add more than just as a background to a photo.

The premise of this film is again a simple one. June seems to be pretending to live at Ewhurst, when Harrison Marks turns up to take some photographs, she then strips off to pose for him in various locations. All finished off with a post session cigarette before she waves him off, giving us one last longing view of her body. What else could any hot blooded male want from such a film!



*This film is copyright George Harrison Marks Enterprises Limited

The Fabulous Maxine – Solo No.12 Cover (1959)

Maxine (Elaine Ecke) on the cover of Solo No.12 (1959) by Harrison Marks. Cracking cover shot of Maxine highlighting her skills and those almost perfectly shaped tits that seem just the right size, not too big, but not too small either!


Ann Wilson – The View From a Wall (Original)

Thanks to Paul from Firebird Records I have a growing collection of 35mm slide sets (200+ at the last count), with some of the sets being of well known models from that time. I also have a number of individual slides and unknown models of varying quality, and I’m slowly working through them to try and restore them, as most are faded or have that familiar purple tinge.

The above is one of the single restored slides and of Ann Wilson a popular model of Harrison Marks and others in the late 1960’s. This was originally very red, but think it’s come up pretty well and works still being slight red, as Ann was a redhead and the shirt was dark red. Unfortunately the highlights were blown out around her chest, but you still see the important bits i.e the small perky nipples! Not sure about the fake brick wallpaper in the background, but it works!

Thanks to Paul for this and all the other slides, most of which he eventually puts up for sale over on eBay 🙂