Ann’s Perfectly Placed Cushion (Original)

Another restored print of a very young looking Ann Austin sat on the sofa with a cushion for cover! And another sent over from Oxxbridge Galleries, so thanks to them for a great Ann shot.

Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice

Gloria’s Balancing Act! (Original)

A lack of posts this week due to being spaced out on drugs with a very bad back, but one to keep you going and definitely something I couldn’t do at the moment! Gloria Lomax balancing on the top of the sofa in black stockings and white panties and from the same set as this shot.

A Young June Wilkinson Nude (Original)

A restored print of a young June Wilkinson posing nude. This again comes from a collection of scanned original photo’s sent over by Ian one of my members. They were found by a friend of Ian’s in the eaves of his garage, when he was having a clear out from previous owner. This print was damaged in places by damp but are still a valuable archive and as you can see from above still good enough to be restored.

Wrap Up Warm With June (Original)

Well winter has finally landed in the UK this week with the first real hard frosts and snow in places. So this original image of June dressed in gloves, boots and sheepskin coat seems appropriate today.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice

Totally Trudy (1969)

Five shots of Trudy Eyre (Angela Duncan) taken by Terry Sparks. As I said in a previous post I hadn’t realized that Terry had taken any photo’s of Trudy until he sent these, but then he explained he had and that her real name (or name on the cheques) was Trudy.

A couple of things you will notice about these shots. Some are very familiar and if you look on some of the vintage forums you will see similar images to these at the same location that have been published in various men’s publications during the late 1960’s and 70’s. Secondly and unfortunate, these images are only small and not up to the usually high standard I get from Terry, but there is a reason for that, which I’m sure Terry won’t mind me sharing. As Terry explains –  “My own black/white files, some 27000 negatives were all destroyed in 2003 at the behest of her indoors. Something I have bitterly regretted ever since, as they would have been worth a few bob on Ebay. The only good news is that I took three or four shots of the best girls and transferred them onto a SVHS tape before the destruction took place. I am hoping to be able to digitise the tape onto my PC and then get some prints off, so far without much success.” Well Terry managed to get some images off the tape and those are the ones above.

Hearing Terry’s story I think I was as gutted to hear this story as he was! Think of all those great images I could have shared, but then I realize what I’ve already seen and shared and I’m glad Terry has shared what he managed to retain. Plus we do get a glimpse at some of the models such as Trudy that he had the pleasure of shooting over his career.

Thanks to Terry as always for sharing an insight into his collection 🙂

June Palmer – Castle View! (Original)

The third shot from this set of images of a young June posing in leggings (not tights as someone pointed out!) in the ruins of a castle. These came from John W who also sent through a second batch of this set, so I now have 35 images of June in this location to share once I’ve edited them 🙂


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice

Julie’s Big Dangly Ones! (Original)

Another Harrison Marks model that seems to favour big dangly ones (Earrings) is Julie Shearing, as seen in this original print of her from Oxxbridge again. A different angled shot this time, as she leans back against the flora wallpaper giving us a side profile of her earrings and body. What is also visible are the streaks in her hair, that she seems to favour in most shots I’ve seen of her. They look good, but tend to make her look older than she was and give her a Cruella de Vil type of look, but not so obvious!


Note: This image is scanned from an original print and subject to this copyright notice