June Palmer – Hold This Please? (Original)

Another promotional shot by London photo agency Cowderoy & Moss Ltd featuring June posing on a Lambretta Scooter. This time we see June down at the beach, sat astride the scooter in a fetching pair of striped pants, white cardigan top and scarf, as she hands off her bag to a chap in a beach hut! I always enjoy seeing this different side of June and her non glamour work during the height of her career. It seems like she had enjoyed posing on Scooters and cars a lot 🙂


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice

Busting Out With Angela!

I’ve managed to get a full set of 36 images of the ‘Oh Nurse!’ set featuring Angela in the countryside dressed and stripping out of a nurses uniform. I’d published those I’d previously found here, but I’ll get the rest edited and published when I can. This one is an early shot in the set as it has Angela still clothed, if only just, but bursting out from her tight fitting bra!

I’ve also had it recently confirmed that her real name was Trudy Eyre by Terry Sparks, or that was the name her wrote on the cheques when he paid her for modelling sessions with him. I didn’t know Terry had even photographed Angela/Trudy, but he’s sent me through a selection of his shots of her and some look very familiar indeed and ended up in some popular men’s publications back in the late 1960’s. But those shots are for another day and another post 🙂

June Palmer – Kamera Calendar, Cover 1966

I thought I’d already published a version of the 1966 Kamera Calendar cover featuring June Palmer, but looking back through my posts it doesn’t seem like it. Anyway a high quality scan of my own copy of of the 1966 cover featuring a wet looking JP on the Roman Bath Set and I don’t think that green dress could cling to any more places on June!

I’ll continue to edit and repost my scans of the other months from 1966 over the coming weeks.

June Palmer – What The Pussycat Saw! (Original)

A shot of June posing in long blonde wig (Joanna Kent) as she kneels on a stool in front of a dressing table mirror with a friend! A beautiful double version of June in the reflection of the mirror, shame about the flash reflection across her face and a beautiful black cat getting in on the action! As an aside my Gran had a black cat just like this one called ‘Charlie’, but I can safely say he never got to sit in positions as good as this one! The shot also lends itself to the usual round of pussy jokes, but I refrained and I realized I’ve published a shot of June as Joanne in front of this mirror before here. That shot is the other way round, but don’t ask me which is the right way round.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice

Eva’s Wild Side (Original)

A double meaning to the title this time, in that it’s a play on Eva’s surname Wild and a bit of a wild shot as she’s laying on a leopardskin rug 🙂 Still a great early shot of Eva Wild by Harrison Marks, but he did like his animal skin rugs back then didn’t he!


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice.

A Bushy View of Sue (1969)

Sue Owen in the undergrowth down by the river as she poses nude leaning against a tree! Taken by Harrison Marks this uncensored version of the shot appears in Nature’s Intention Vol.1 No.1, P44 (1969), unsure if a censored version appeared anywhere though? A great view of Sue’s lush bush as she leans back and the location looks to be on a familiar river edge, probably on location at one of GHM’s favourite haunts down in Cornwall?

A Lofty View of Rochelle (Original)

Two restored shots from original prints of Rochelle Lofting from the 1950’s. These come from a set of four prints of Rochelle sent over by Oxxbridge Galleries and having an educated guess I’d say these look like Harrison Marks shots, but I’m not 100% certain? These two shots also show her pretty prominent smallpox vaccination scar on her upper arm.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice.