June Palmer – Lakeside Lovely! (Original)

A companion to this post showing a nude side profile of June down by the water’s edge among the reeds. Don’t ask me why I didn’t straighten this photo so the horizon was horizontal as I can’t remember, probably distracted with something else! I’m sure June’s holding her stomach in on this shot, even though it was very flat anyway, but still a cracker from John.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

June In Suburbia, More Front Room Frolics! (Original)

Another original shot from the John archives of June in suburbia. Same location as this shot, but different attire or lack of it! You can’t disagree though that June like this would be a very warming addition to any front room! Cracking furniture and very 1960’s but I do wonder about the curtains and what colour they were? I imagine them to be some psychedelic blue or orange for some reason.

Margaret Nolan – Everyone’s Favourite Poster Girl, Part 2 (Original)

A second shot from a set featuring Margaret Nolan posing amongst posters and magazines of herself. The first original image I posted back in October is here, but this one is more revealing and shows her smoking as well!

Hilde Beck – No Support Required! (Original)

I had forgotten that I had this shot of Hilde Beck on the Egyptian set by Harrison Marks! This is a scan of an original negative sent through by Kevin before Christmas and although not the best composed shot, it still shows a lovely rear view of Hilde, but I doubt she really needed any support 🙂

Julie (Shearing) – Carnival Magazine

Well there you go I’ve just found this shot of Julie Shearing and found out that it’s only ‘Julie’ that appeared for Harrison Marks! Despite her Latin looks in early Kamera editions, she was actually born in London! After modelling for GHM she also went on to have several small appearances in several British made films in the 1960’s.  These included The Bulldog Breed (1960) starring Norman Wisdom and the Cover Girl Killer (1959) with Harry H. Corbet.
You learn something new every day and she was obviously a versatile girl as looked nothing like her modelling days in some of the films!

Bridget Leonard

Bridget Leonard was the live-in girlfriend of photographer Russell Gay and ran the office in Oxford Street for him, which was the mail order outlet for Venus Films. They split up around late 1967 early 1968. She was already modelling for Russell before she got a role in Harrison Marks’ first feature film ‘Naked as Nature Intended’. She first appeared in Kamera No.43 (1961) then Kamera No.44, 46 (Cover) & 54 and then in Solo No.25 dedicate just to her. Her only glamour film appearance was as a Wild-West saloon girl in the HM Glamour Movie No.106 ‘Gamblin’ Gal’ (1962).

The cracking shot of Bridget above comes from Kamera No.46 (1962) and features her on the cover and centre pages in stills taken on the Wild-West Saloon set featured in ‘Gamblin Girl’.

June Palmer – Purple Pose (Original) & 500th Post!

The purple Chaise lounge and sheepskin rug make a reappearance in this studio shot of June sent through by John. Taken in the 1970’s at Scotlee studio’s June is seen elegantly reclined on the chaise lounge, giving us a perfect view of her body with a hint of bush with the sheepskin rug spread out majestically before her! I may be wrong but this looks to be a different from this purple chaise lounge set and at least the third set I’ve seen with June posing on it.

I also just realized that this is also the 500th post dedicated to June on the site, which isn’t bad going!


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.