Carol Haynes by Ken Williams

One of two shots of Carol Haynes by Ken Williams from Lenz No.3 and they are the only two shots of her I have! I know she appeared in several editions of Parade during the 1960’s as well as the Whitestone publication No.75, Ken Williams London Figure Models. Anyone know if she appeared in any other major publications?

Double Top! Pamela Green & June Simpson – Kamera No.18 Cover (1959)

You can’t get much better than this as a cover shot from Harrison Marks for Kamera! Not one but two naked blonde beauties in the form of Pamela Green and June Simpson on the cover of Kamera No.18 (1959). The pose from June Simpson and angle that she’s stood just show off her figure and that great curvy bum to perfection and then there next to her is Pam looking as serene as ever! One of my top 5 Kamera covers I think and possibly taken at Ewhurst Manor in what looks to be a sun house? I’ve since learned that this set of photo’s of June & Pam was actually taken at Pam’s parents house in Kent of all places.

Ann Walker by Terry Sparks, Part 2 (Coloured)

The stunning portrait shot of Ann Walker photographed by Terry Sparks and coloured by Oldiznewagain
It’s very hard to criticize how well Oldiznewagain colours these shots as I couldn’t do anywhere near as good and the skin tones on this shot are exceptional. My only critique of this shot and I’ve mentioned it before on others is that as part of the colouring process he tends to lose some of the skin texture and the freckles on Ann’s face, but I’m just being picky as I love the overall effect as always.

June & The Bamboo Room Divider (Original)

A shot of June with longer hair taken at Scotlee Studio in the 1960’s posing with a bamboo room diver as a backdrop. This shot comes from a scan of an original negative from Kevin and the bamboo divider seen here features in several photo shoots of June in the 1960’s and 70’s including a set of negatives I have of June in long blonde wig.

Gloria Lomax – The Full View (Original)

I posted a cropped version of this original of Gloria Lomax shot last year as it was published in Kamera No.88 (1968) on page 8. I’ve now been sent a scan of the original negative from Kevin, which gives us a full view of both Gloria and the ornate furniture at Ewhurst Manor Walden Manor. I love it when I get an original of an image also published in Kamera, as you get to see the full picture and the superior quality of a negative scan. 
The size and quality of the scans I get is much larger than you get to see on here, as unfortunately I reduce the size down to 800 pixels to stop those unscrupulous people that think it’s OK to just take these images and resell them as prints! For example the original was over 2250 pixels in size and shows Gloria in close up detail, which can’t be a bad thing! The larger size also makes my life easier if I need to restore or remove any minor blemishes, although the images from Kevin and others are usually so good little additional effort is required. Anyway enjoy the full view!

Thanks to Terry for point out that it was Walden Manor not Ewhurst in this image 🙂

Double The Delight with Rita Landre (1959)

A doubled up Rita Landre (Pamela Green) on the cover of Kamera No.19 (1959) and yet another scanned cover from a recent purchase as I’m catching up on my scanning now I’m up and running again.  I also have several colour shots of Rita from this set with the green and purple sheets from original negatives. she also appears with both sheets and broach on the June page of the 1961 Kamera Calendar.

June Palmer – A Fabulous Pair of Door Knockers!

The first post from my recent purchase of the Kamera Special ‘The Fabulous June Palmer’ by Harrison Marks (1964). This shot shows a topless June in slacks posing in front of the cottage door at Ewhurst Manor with a cracking smile on a 20 something model. This Kamera Special dedicated to June was 64 pages and shows June in various poses on different sets throughout her early modelling career with GHM.
It was difficult to decide where to publish this as it covers both of my blogs, The Kamera Club for Harrison Marks posts or here for posts dedicated to June, so I apologize now for the duplication across both, as for completeness it should sit on both 🙂

June Palmer – A Fabulous Pair of Door Knockers!

The first post from my recent purchase of the Kamera Special ‘The Fabulous June Palmer’ by Harrison Marks (1964). This shot shows a topless June in slacks posing in front of the cottage door at Ewhurst Manor with a cracking smile on a 20 something model. This Kamera Special dedicated to June was 64 pages and shows June in various poses on different sets throughout her early modelling career with GHM.

It was difficult to decide where to publish this as it covers both of my blogs, The Kamera Club for Harrison Marks posts or here for posts dedicated to June, so I apologize now for the duplication across both, as for completeness it should sit on both 🙂