Beryl Gilchrist – The Pouting Princess!

Beryl Gilchrist in colour posing on the obligatory sheepskin rug wearing necklace, headband and panties by Russell Gay. I don’t know if she is actually smiling or pouting in this shot or if it’s just the way the lipstick has been applied and who really looks at those lips and cares 🙂

Julie & The Floral Wallpaper! (1957)

She certainly had a thing for big earrings, as here she is wearing nothing more than earrings whilst posing in front of a reoccurring floral wallpaper that appears through-out some of Harrison Marks early shots. The stunning Julie from Kamera Special No.1 (1957)

More Risqué Rosa!

A couple more shots of the early risqué photos of Rosa Domaille (Eve Eden) giving us a flash of a little bit more than usual. This is the third shot of this set and I’m aware of at least 6 more shots of Rosa in various positions showing us more than usual in this dodgy back bedroom!

Uncensored Negligee Nude

An uncensored shot of an unknown model posing for Harrison Marks, which appeared in this form in Nature’s Intention Vol.1 No.2 (1969). I’m unsure as to where the image originally appeared, but looking at it I would guess it was an early model from the late 1950’s early 60’s.