Terrific Tina in 3D!
Margaret’s Frilly Knickers! – Part 3
The Sumptuous Hanna Viek! (Original)
I only stopped posting shots of Hanna because I could never find any good quality shots I’d not seen before and because I moved to this blog. Well now I have an excuse to post Hanna again, because a) she posed for Harrison Marks once (flimsy excuse I know!) and b) I came across some top quality shots of her I hadn’t seen before. The above shot is a great example and came from an original negative being sold by Kevin over on eBay, so a big thanks must go to him for sending me a copy.
I think my love affair with Hanna Viek has been rekindled thanks to this shot! I know Kevin is selling another original negative of her, so may have to go bid on that and I will have to see if he has any other shots I can tap him up for 🙂
June & The Lamp Revisited
I first came across an image from this set back in January, when I published an edited version of a similar image from Nouvelle Serie De Studio No.48. Now I’ve come across three more shots of much better quality from the same set that were republished in the 1950’s Glamour Book. Three great shots of a young June from the early 1960’s and possibly taken by Russell Gay and posing with what looks to be a hanging incense lamp??
A Golden View of Marie Deveraux (Coloured)
The Marvellous Maxine
June Palmer Studio Pose – Part 2 (Restored)
The second restored shot of June from a 35mm slide posing in the studio and again I’m not sure which I prefer? The restored colour version still has a red tinge to it and trying to restore it further just made the image washed out. I also converted the image to black and white again, which works equally well as the colour version. Still a great pose from June whatever version you prefer!