An Underexposed Clyda! (1973)

Clyda Rosen on the cover of Fiesta Vol.7 No.9 (Sept 1973) looking rather demur and underexposed! I suppose we are used to seeing rather more of Cylda than we do in this shot, as even her large tits are partially covered and she’s kept her knickers on for now. I suppose it is the cover of Fiesta and there is only so far you can go on a fairly mainstream top shelf mens magazine in the 70’s 🙂

Julie Collins – Full of Bounce! (Original)

A big and bouncy view of a very happy and delicious looking Julie Collins by Harrison Marks. Julie was a later model for Harrison Marks appearing from the mid 1960’s onwards with this shot taken on the Lantern Cottage set with her sat in a multicoloured deckchair showing off her ample assets!

Julie was a fully natural model and I just love her big tan lined tits and great figure 🙂

A Busty Bonnet View! (1950’s)

Another shot of the unknown classic beauty by Harrison Marks with a stunning figure. This model although unknown does seem to have appeared multiple times throughout early GHM photo sets advertised in the Harrison Marks Glamour Guide and Kamera.

I love this shot of her posing bent over the bonnet of a car giving us a great view of those ample tits again! I have her down as unknown model No.51 in my unknown list 🙂

A Top Heavy T-Shirt! (Original)

An original shot from a set of 35mm black and white negatives of this top heavy 1980’s model and comes from a set of 20 negatives. I have no idea who she is but loved the fact that even though she’s wearing a t-shirt it’s obvious she’s got a huge pair underneath! I also love the fishnets and hint of pussy added to the great figure and wonderful smile she has. It seems to be taken in the 80’s as the hairstyle is reminiscent of that era, but anyone have a clue who she is?