June Palmer – Revealed For All To See! (Original)

Another shot from the Venetian blind set taken by John W. This shot as the title says reveals more for all to see in two ways, June has the blind fully up exposing herself to the outside world, but we also get a great view of June’s ample breasts and more. Taken in 1986 we see the fuller more rounded figure of June, but one that is still as equally appealing as when she was younger. She still knows how to make a good pose as well.

Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Lorraine Burnett Amongst The Clover! (Coloured)

Now this image lent itself to be coloured and Oldiznewagain did just that, with this fantastic colour version of Lorraine Burnett. The colours go perfectly and the green tights and hat look as though they were originally that colour and I suppose they could have been!