Marge Nolan – Legs From London

Amazing what you find when your off looking for something else unrelated! Like this shot of Margaret Nolan in Stockings from Leg Show Magazine Vol.1 No.7 (Spring 1965).  Not seen this one of MN before, so a nice little find!

The Stripper and The Jaguar – Unknown Model not Revealed!

Following on from this article trying to identify an unknown model and some excellent feedback from Ozprof I’ve located the full article from Satana Magazine No.8 (Summer 1965) and also thought I’d had an epiphany on the model!  It’s Elaine Desmond (It’s not!) with a beehive hairstyle! I knew I recognised her but couldn’t put a name to the face.  Anyway the full article with magazine cover for completeness.  

Update: Thanks to the commenters below we have established it isn’t Elaine Desmond, but who is it then and was her real name Marie Provost?  Added to the unknown models page for further identification.

Molly Peters very clearly seen as the chauffeur in this shot!

Satana Magazine No.8 (Summer 1965)

The Pendulous Rona Scott

A shot of Rona Scott from the aptly named ‘The Big Book of Breasts’. Well worth a read, or should I say look as there is very little to read actually, much more a visual book if you know what I mean!  Still interesting to see the different shots of well endowed ladies over the years, including a few of my favourites.

Model ID Needed?

I’m going to start an unknown model page shortly as there are still a fair few models that posed for GHM and others that I’ve been unable to identify as of yet.  I’m sure all of you that follow this blog have far better knowledge than me, so may be able to help ID some of them 🙂

In the meantime here’s one that’s been bugging me for a while as I recognise her but can’t put a name to her.  The article says Marie, but not convinced that’s correct?

What I do know (I think!) is it was part of a set or article and looks to be at Ewhurst. I’m also pretty certain the driver is Dawn Grayson hidden under that cap, although if I didn’t know better I’d swear it was Michael Jackson from this shot!

All resolved and the model identified as – -Elaine Desmond!

A Naked & Kneeling Ann Austin

I could stare at this image of Ann Austin in this pose all day long, but I’d never get anything done, oh well!  Love this pose there’s something very stimulating about it! Right I must get on … with staring at it some more 🙂