Magnificent Monika! (1970’s)

Hidden beneath the curly blonde wig is the 1970’s UK model Monika Ringwald, but that is about all she is hiding! Taken from a set of Monika posing in long negligee and blonde wig it shows her in all her tanned glory, with those tan lines helping to highlight her natural pussy.

Monika also posed for Terry Sparks during her career, and shots taken by him can be seen here. The first shot has a portrait of Monika in the background without the wig, so I wonder if this was shot at her home?

Ava Cadell – A Nice Clean Girl! (1974)

A black and white shot of Ava Cadell from Girl Illustrated Vol.6 No.41 (1974). Although not named in the magazine as Ava, she is instantly recognisable in this shot of her in the bath, making sure she’s a good girl and keeping everything clean!

I love Girl Illustrated it’s one of my favourite larger format vintage magazine and loads of models posed for it. Many not using their known names and wearing wigs or other attire to hide their identity for some reason. But every now and then you come across a little gem like this one of Ava.

June Simpson – Daisy Cutters! (Original)

The stunning June Simpson from an original Pamar colour slide and another Harrison Marks shot from this studio set of June wearing those distinctive daisy earrings. A very classical looking hair style from June and love the shape of her nose and mouth, highlighted by the red of the lips.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice