A very elegant looking Jean Spaul (Sporle) from Kamera No.4 P4 (1957) who not only posed nude for many of the early Kamera editions, but also got the job as one of the girls in the office at Harrison Marks studio. What an office stunner!
June Palmer – A Kneeling Nude (Original)
The sixth shot of June from the ‘Little White Number‘ set of 35mm images from John. This one is a little out of order from the others, as it’s jumped to June kneeling on the stool nude, with the little white number pushed between her thighs! Restored the best I could, but the highlights on her face were too blown out to recover.
Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice
A is for Angela Jones & Her Open Bathrobe View!
Pam’s Bath Time Bonanza! (Original)
A fifth shot from the spectacular set of Pamela Green posing in the bath for Harrison Marks surrounded by mirrors! This shot had her leaning on the edge of the bath giving us a big grin and shadowed view of her fabulous body. Only two more shots left to publish of this ‘Bath Set‘, plus an original black and white shot just sent through by Kevin, who has provided most of the images from this set so far, so a big thank you as always to him.
Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice
Thelma a Deceiving Look! (Original)
Another restored print from the Oxxbridge collection, but this time a Harrison Marks shot of Thelma laying on the leopardskin rug! This shot appears to have been taken in the late 1950’s as similar sgots with the same rug appear in both Kamera No.4 (1957) and Kamera No.11 (1958), the later featuring Thelma in colour on the cover and centre pages. Shots that appeared in Kamera and some that weren’t were also mass printed and sold as individual prints and postcards and sold (probably under the counter in plain brown paper bags!) to the discerning collector.
Thelma is one of those stunning beauties that has a certain Latin look to her, but was probably born and raised in the UK, similar to Julie (Shearing), as looks can deceive!
Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice
Nancy Roberts – Naked & Happy! (Original)
I’m currently going through a huge collection of early vintage glamour images and helping Oxxbridge Galleries to identify the models in them. As part of that deal they are kindly providing high resolution scans of some of the prints I’m interested in to share on this site. One small set of 8 images I helped identify was that of Nancy Roberts and the above shot is restored from one of those prints. In most of the shots Nancy is posing naked with a big smile of her face, a combination you don’t often see (Well the big smile anyway!), but regardless of the smile Nancy looks as stunning as ever and in this set she also seems to be wearing a huge set of bangles.
I also had contact from a new member today who remembers seeing Nancy in magazines and on TV back in his youth and wondered if I had any images of her? I sure do as you can see 🙂
M is for Mary Millington (Xmas Calendar)
Another appearance on this blog for Mary Millington, although unlike some of my other favourite models she can legitimately be here! Mary’s career is well known and documented, including one of her most famous and successful films ‘Come Play with Me’, filmed by non other than Harrison Marks. There are other links to Mary and GHM over her career, so I thought I’d share an image of her here, not the normal stuff rather a tasteful semi dressed shot, as the other stuff can come later.
Another titbit I’ve just found out whilst looking on the Mary Millington website. The fictitious ‘Bovington Manor’ in Come Play with Me was used by Harrison Marks to shoot scenes for his film, The Nine Ages of Nakedness in 1968 and eight years later to film Come Play with Me and it’s literally two miles down the road from where I live! Now a manor hotel it’s still open for business and a little piece of GHM history I didn’t realize was on my own doorstep!
Sophisticated Sylvana! (Original)
A smoking hot shot of a very sophisticated, but nude Sylvana Manto (Madelaine Bannister) posing in long black gloves from the late 1950’s.
This comes from a collection of scanned original photo’s sent over by Ian one of my members. They were found by a friend of Ian’s in the eaves of his garage, in a yellow Kodak 6 by 4 box when he was having a clear out from previous owner. Some were damaged in places by damp but are still a valuable archive and as you can see from above still good enough to be restored. There were about 75 prints in total, including some familiar models such as Sylvana, Lorraine Burnett and several shots of a young June Wilkinson from the 1950’s and 60’s. Thanks must go to Ian for sending them over and allowing me to restore and share them here 🙂
Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice