Dawn Grayson – Redhead on Red! (Original)

The start of a small set of original shots from my Dawn Grayson collection. This shot is one of four and comes direct from a scan of an original 35mm Kodachrome slide (No.19) taken of Dawn in November 1965. The quality and colour of the slide are unbelievable for it’s age, with very little editing required on the colour or clarity, but the odd speck of dirt removed. In fact all the slides I have from this set so far are all of the same good quality.

Now to the shot itself of Dawn and what a fantastic shot it is! The contrasting reds in this shot, from Dawn’s lipstick, her red hair, the background colour and finally the red of the stool all make this shot stand out. Add in the naked pose of Dawn, with her small perky tits and this is by far one of my favourite colour shots of her. Well at least until I publish the next colour shot of her, then that one will no doubt be a favourite too! My collection of Dawn original negatives continues to grow and currently stands at well over 50 original shots of her 🙂


Note: This is an image from an original negative and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Sylvia McFarland – Full Bodied Beauty (Original)

A pleasant diversion from the norm in shape of Sylvia McFarland, another of my favourite ebony beauties from the 1970’s, with the most massive set of boobs on her! Sylvia and Roberta Pedon must be two of my favourite really big-titted models from the 70’s! There are lots of images out there of Sylvia, some of which don’t show off her assets or her in the best light, but this shot is one of the better ones, as she lays on the sofa, drink in hand. I also have a second shot from this set, at a much wider angle where you get to see Sylvia’s full on glorious thick bush, that is hinted at in this shot.

Thanks to Kevin for sharing these original shots of Sylvia and stirring my interest in her again, in more than one way 🙂


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Two Additional Charm’s (1955)

Sent through by Terry, two pages from Charm No.25 (1955) starring a small breasted blonde model. As Terry explains, “I was having a bit of a clear out last weekend when I came across my old copy of “Charm” magazine no. 25, published around 1955 or 1956. It cost the princely sum of 1/6d (75p in modern currency) and the only reason I kept it all these years, is because in it are the first two nudes that I ever had published, I guess I was around 18 or 19 at the time.” Two stunning shots and worthy of sharing, just to see the first published shots from Terry that set him on a path of glamour photography. Thanks Terry and the model looks familiar, but can’t quite name her?

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, but sometimes life conspires against you and you have to focus on the important things!

June Palmer – Rocks & Crevices!

Another scanned print of a nude June posing amongst the rocks on location, this time wearing what looks to be a short wig. A perfect shot of her curved hips in this pose and just a hint of her own crevice on view 🙂

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, but sometimes life conspires against you and you have to focus on the important things!

An Unknown Different View!

I haven’t got a clue who this 1960’s model is, but I just loved the composition of the shot so thought I’d share it! I’m still trying to work out the angle of this shot and if she’s on the sofa or floor, but the lighting and angle really make the shot. The eyes looking up at the camera as you look down her naked body catching a glimpse of her hard nipples and is that her pussy we see or shadows? A perfect perk me up for a Monday morning 🙂

Christine Carter – A Perched Pose! (Original)

The lovely Christine Carter (Tina Graham) posing perched on the arm of an armchair with a skimpy negligee dropped round her waist, exposing her figure and boobs. Interestingly there seems to be a couple of reel to reel recorders/players on the floor in the background, so I wonder what was happening in this front room with Chris!

2000th Post!

I didn’t realize on Friday when I posted ‘Wendy’s Wily Ways!‘, that it was my 2000th post on the Kamera Club site. The first post was on 3rd March 2013, so the site has been running 2 years, 4 months and 14 days or 866 days! That works out at 2.3 posts a day since it’s been running.

An awful lot has happened in that time on the site, so many thanks to all of you for the image contributions, knowledge and comments over the last 866 days 🙂