June Palmer – Rockpooling Fun! (Original)

The fifth shot from this set of June posing nude on a beach with just a towel. This shot has June sat posing on the rocks nude, covered in sand with a towel wrapped around her head.  She looks like she is drawing patterns in the sand with her big toe and could do with a good wash down to get rid of all that sand! I never found anything as interesting as this when I went rockpooling down in Cornwall, definitely one to keep and not throw back!


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Unknown Model, But Familiar Negligee! (Originals)

A couple of original shots of this model, but I have no idea who she is? She appears in the May page of the 1969 Kamera Calendar, but I’ve not seen any images of her in Kamera yet, but if they were later editions I have a big gap there, so may not have seen her yet in them.

Both of these shots appear to have been taken in GHM’s flat as does the calendar shot, so maybe all taken in one session?  I’d wager she’s also wearing a wig, which doesn’t help identification and the familiar long negligee worn by Monique Devereux and other makes an appearance!

Thanks to Kevin for sending over these shots.

June at Work (Originals)

Over the time this site has been running John has sent me various candid shots of June working at Strobe studios and I always planned on writing an article about June at Strobe, but just never got round to it! I either got distracted with better images that I wanted to publish, or, well there isn’t another excuse I just didn’t do it. To rectify that here are three shots of June at work at Strobe in the 1960’s. She can be seen sat posing dressed (for now!) in a very 1960’s style tunic as photographers go about taking shots of her.  What amazes me is that her cigarette’s aren’t very far away and you can see the ashtray and her smoking in a couple of shots.  I know she smoked most of her life, but I didn’t realize she smoked so much.

Thanks to John for these 3 candid shots, with another for the same set still to publish.

June & The Plough, Part 2 (Original)

After posting this shot last week of June posing in front of a plough, John sent through another shot of June with the same plough! This time she’s posing as if to push the plough, but unfortunately the negative isn’t that good, as it has a light flare through the middle.  Still worth sharing anyway and she can plough my field looking like that any day!

Time For a Tumble with Marie Deveraux (1958)

Time for a tumble in the hay with Marie Deveraux from Kamera No.7 (1958).  great rear view shot of her bum, but not too sure about the superimposed sky as a background as this was a studio shot.

Would You Sign Up?

Now that the site has been up and running on it’s new hosting for a while I’m thinking of making a few changes. One of these changes I’m considering is to allow membership to the site, so that members could see extended content.  I’m not planning on making you pay to become a member (yet!) and a lot of the site content would still be available to none members. But by using a simple sign up to become a member you would see additional content such as high resolution images, extra videos and a few other things I’ve been thinking about. I’m looking to do this on both this site and my Just-June site as well.

I’m interested in what you think, so you can either anonymously use the poll to vote below or leave a comment or both! FYI the members area is already active, just no members to see it 😉

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Strumming a Tune with Sieglinda! (Original)

The second shot of German model Sieglinda Strauch by Terry Sparks, this time posing with nothing more than a guitar in a bedroom at Ewhurst Manor in June, 1966. A full on frontal shot showing off SS’s slender frame, small tits and magnificent pussy.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.