June Palmer – Nude on Black (Original)

Two more shots of June posing at Strobe Studios nude against a black background, highlighting the paleness of her naked form! Part of a set of shots I have been sent by John, with 7 shots in total so far. The first three shots of this shot posted here.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Down in The Dungeon with Danielle! (1969)

I have very few shots of Danielle Denese, two including this one and the other shot I’ve published here and both are taken on the dungeon set. Danielle co-starred with Sissi Mississippi in the GHM  movie ‘The Lash’ (1968). The film was shot just before Kamera Publications ceased business so only a few still photographs were taken, hence the lack of images of Danielle!

More Messing About in The Hay with Maxine (1958)

A great shot of Maxine in the hay from Kamera No.7 (1958) and from the same set as this shot. Actually taken in the studio with a superimposed sky in the background added.  The same edition also includes Marie Deveraux posing in the same spot but showing her rear side.

June & The Bookcase (Original)

This shot sent through by John looks like it was taken at the same time as the ‘June The Bookworm‘ set, but this one has June wearing a different colour baby doll and panties than the others. We still have the bookcase and the Encyclopedia Britannica’s in the background, along with an old record collection and a coffee pot! Great to see one of these shots in colour, even if after tweaking it’s still slightly pink!


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Jean Spaul & Gaby Rougier (1958)

Jean Spaul (Sporle) and the model now identified as Gaby Rougier from Kamera No.17 (1958). Jean and Gaby appear multiple times together in Kamera No.17 and Kamera No.29, with Gaby also appearing solo in Kamera No.29. Thanks to Jeff for another good spot at identifying Gaby, who also appears in Fiesta Autumn Special 1957.

Further evidence below from Jeff to support his theory this is one such model named Gaby Rougier, as she is named in the article and has the beauty spot!

Gaby sent through by Phil D, doesn’t seem to be the same person or maybe just a few years older?

Toni Rees by Harrison Marks

I’ve had this shot of an unknown model in unknown models for ages and up until now didn’t have a name for the face and body. Thanks to Jeff she’s now been identified as Toni Rees, a girl from down under that also appeared in 66 magazine and Spick & Span. Thanks to Jeff for the identification and another model named 🙂