Bobby’s Bush (1969)

There was only ever going to be one title for this post 🙂 and also to celebrate the fact I can show Bobby’s magnificent bush without fear of censorship from big brother now!  Bobby Shaw in all her glory from the pages of Nature’s Intention Vol.1 No.1 (1969), plenty of bush and bark on show in this shot!

June Palmer – A Tied Squeeze! (Original)

Another image of June squeezing and trying to lick her tits as she’s tied up, wow!  The second of 4 images from this set and all needed restoration as faded down one side, but all are fantastic and I realized she’s wearing the same dress as posted under ‘June & The Short Leather Dress‘. They all come from the same set as ‘Psychedelic Sofa‘, as both contain June wearing the black Basque, show June with her hands bound with rope and feature the psychedelic sofa!

Blogger U-Turn – Bloody Typical!

The day I transfer my blog over to it’s own hosting, Google reverse their decision to block nudity on Blogger! Ah well, was probably the best move for me as I keep control rather than wondering when my site may be hit by the next stupid idea from Google. I bet this was based on a more logical reasoning than the original plan to block nudity, like losing millions of blogs and users to the likes of Tumblr and self hosting like me.

Onwards and upwards as they say!


Pam’s Pigtail Pout! (1958)

Another studio shot of Pamela Green wearing a long dark wig with pigtails from Kamera No.7 (1958), this time with the towel draped over her leg rather than her head! I’ve not commented before but she has a very Indian Squaw look in these shots I Think?

June Palmer in Not Tonight Darling (Video)

Another short but sweet clip of June in one of her brief film appearances.  This features June in a black leotard as a health club member in the 1971 film ‘Not Tonight, Darling’.  You see her body at the beginning of the clip climbing into a toning machine and then throughout the clip, with a short shot showing her face. Not a very long clip of her, but another of her listed film appearances to add to the collection here

Also, call me a perv but wouldn’t you just love to see this clip of June in that toning machine without the black leotard? 😛

Thanks to John for sending this through, who also mentions he’s seen the 1965 version of Moll Flanders that has June credited as making an appearance, but John says as of yet he’s been unable to find her in the film.  It must have been a very fleeting shot of her then!

An Arched View of June (Coloured)

A stunning coloured version of this original shot of June by Stefan Glass by Oldiznewagain.  It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of his coloured versions of June, but this one just stood out!  The skin tones look perfect, add in the cream of the lamp shade and blue of the curtain and the shot just works.

June & The Cowrie Shell Necklace (Original)

Another shot of June in those Red Bikini Bottom’s, but this time a view from below giving us a great view of the cowrie shell necklace hanging magnificently from her sun kissed tits!  Thanks to John for sharing this different view of June.


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