Spots before Your Eyes With Paula Page (1960)

And we’re back and let’s start with a wonderful shot of the rather magnificent Paula Page and her bountiful boobs on full display from Kamera No.30 (1960).  How could you call this shot anything other than art, just look at the pose, the background and of course the leopardskin rug 🙂

We’ve Moved!

I’ve done it! The site has now moved off Blogger and is now being hosted on it’s own server using WordPress. You will notice some differences in layout and presentation, but if you use Just June they will look familiar. Some links still need updating, but I’ve done a majority of the main page links and there may be the odd glitch here and there, but rather than waiting I wanted to get the site running again. This way I can at least start publishing posts again without the worry of them disappearing!  I’ll carry on fixing the links etc, but if you do see anything not working please do comment on the page and I’ll pick it up and fix it.

Finally I’d like to thank everyone for the kind comments and support during this frustrating period as it has helped and made me want to continue.  I must also say a big thank you to those of you that generously donated funds to make this move possible so quickly. I’ve contacted you individually to express my thanks and I will eternally grateful for your support in helping me do this.

Normal service will now resume.



One To Keep You Going! – Julie (1964)

Something to keep you going whilst I sort out the site hosting and a much better view than me ranting 🙂 Julie (Shearing) posing in the living room of GHM’s Gerrard Street flat from Kamera Special No.4 (1964)

Site Update: We’re on the move as I have found some hosting and in the progress of moving the site and content across.  Thankfully all the content and comments was easy to move, but the site design and links work differently so I’m having to check through things! Hopefully I’ll have things up and running in a few days and then the site will be free from the clutches of Google and it’s American puritanism, hypocrisy and draconian views! No offence meant to my American followers 🙂

I’ll keep you posted and thanks to everyone for all the support you have shown in whatever format over the last few days, it is and always will be appreciated.

Site Hosting Update

Having slept on and digested the news that I can no longer host The Kamera Club on Google’s free Blogger site due to the content I post I’ve decided the site will continue in some form, but I’m still looking at options.

The reason for doing this site in the first place was for several reasons, I love the subject of glamour photography from back in the 1950’s and 60’s and it still fascinates me today. I want to try and capture this content, the models, magazines and photographers before we lose it and this format is a good way of sharing it with others. I’ve had lots of great feedback and interaction from others that also enjoy the subject now or were part of it back then.  I have made lots of good contacts, that not only provide lots of great information to the site, but original content as well! For all these reasons it seems a shame to stop now.
Now the hard bit! I make no money from the site and do it because I like doing it and want to share the content I have.  A free site made this easy, as I had no overhead costs, other than my time and effort, but now if I want to continue to share the content I need to move the blog and the options I have are:
  • Stop completely – Can’t do it, won’t do it and would be gutted if I had to stop!
  • Use another free hosting site such as Tumblr – I have a matching Tumblr blog for The Kamera Club and it has over 6000 followers, but again it comes back to control. Layout and design is restricted and I again have no control over the content should Tumblr decide it’s unsuitable and delete the account or content!
  • Pay for hosting for a WordPress site – I do this for my Just June site (thanks to a generous donation) and it works well.  I have complete control and freedom to post and do as I wish, the interaction is good and I have great creative control, but at a cost!
Anyway those are my options and I’m moving towards a paid hosted site, but looking at the costing options now.
So a question, would you pay for the content and access to the site? I have always tried to avoid having you to sign up as members to my sites, be it free or paid as I have always believed the content should be free for all to access without restrictions or username and passwords to remember. But would you support the site and keep it free and open with a one off donation?  No fixed fee, just a one off, whatever you can afford payment to help towards the hosting so it can continue?  As you can see with the official Harrison Marks site, even with a one off payment for membership, but restricting content to paid up members the site has struggled and will be closing later this year, a model that I want to avoid.
So what are your thoughts?
I’ll continue to look at the options, but want to thank you all for your support and contributions thus far as it’s been fantastic and long may it continue!

June Palmer – Purple & Black Velvet (Original)

I love seeing shots of an older June and I love them even more when they’ve been taken by John W himself and these are no exception. Taken in 1985 at Strobe Studios by John they feature June posing in a purple dress, which she proceeds to open to show her ample tits! I have 4 shots from this set so far, but John has assured me there are more to come, so hopefully he will send them over soon and we might get to see a bit more of June and less of the purple dress 🙂

More information about this shoot from John – Taken at Strobe in front of a black velvet background with a single light. There is also a similar set of June wearing a white dress done at the same session. June brought both dresses and the shots were taken on medium format slides.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Lynn’s Luscious Lips (1962)

The stunningly gorgeous Lynn Shaw and those perfectly luscious lips! Although taken in the mid 1950’s this version of the shot appears in Fotag No.2 (1962), but it originally appeared in Kamera No.2 (1957). Lynn Shaw is without doubt one of the most stunning early GHM models I have seen with those eyes and lips!

I’ve published a set of the Fotag magazine covers here, but I’m not sure if it’s a full set as even the official GHM publication database only lists 6 issues, whereas I have 8 covers! Apart from its title and the fact that it did not carry the name ‘Harrison Marks’ on its cover, it is in virtually every other respect just like Kamera, with 48 pages plus cover in the same format and layout. Even many of the photographs reproduced were the same photos used in Kamera and other associated magazines.

Rosalie Peters – Letting Her Hair Down! (1967)

Nearly all of the shots I have of Rosalie Peters have her posing on the Lily Place set in snow with long blonde wig or with her hair up in a ponytail.  This is the first I’ve seen of her without a wig and her hair down and must say I much prefer this look!  This shot comes from Kamera No.81 (1967) and is one of two shots of her in this edition, the second also with her hair down but a fuller body shot.  If you read the details about Rosalie in the Harrison Marks Model Database, she only did one full shoot for GHM at Lily Place, so one assumes that included these shots, as well as the winter shots that appear in Kamera No.79.
She also made one glamour film , No.87, ‘Keep Young & Beautiful’ filmed on the bathroom set, where GHM did take some more stills of her, but again with her hair up! I think this shot must be my favourite though.

June Palmer – The Perfect Ride! (Original)

Would you believe that one of the top 5 most viewed posts on this site also includes a Lambretta scooter and June with Eve Eden and they’re not even naked! So he is another studio shot of June posing on a Lambretta, this time showing us a little more in the way of flesh, but still sort of riding/mounting the Lambretta.  I have one more shot of June with a Lambretta to post from John, but this is a much more formal shot. I bet this shot sold no end of these scooters with June posing on it like that!