Margaret Nolan – Pussy Adoration! (1962)

So little time and so many pussy jokes I could use, but I’ll refrain from doing them! Margaret Nolan posing in the Gerrard Street exhibition of GHM’s work, which included a pussy section! As well as photographing glamour models, Harrison Marks also loved his cats (see refrained from using pussy there!) and his cats turn up in many of his early photo’s especially those taken at Gerrard Street and his flat above. Margaret can be seen above in the cat section of the exhibition hold on of the said cats and this appeared in Kamera No.46 (1962) with other shots of Margaret in abd around the exhibition.

June Palmer – Nearly Outdone by Wallpaper! (Original)

Two shots of June posing at Scotlee Studio’s where the wallpaper used on the set behind her almost distracts you away from June herself, almost! The top shot of June is too damn alluring of her in those sheer panties and stockings to even get distracted by wallpaper. I included the second less alluring shot, so you can just see the colour of the wallpaper and the rug, but you may need your sunglasses!!

In her time June has posed in a lot of locations and sets, but my god there have been some garish wallpapers in the background! So in honour of those wallpapers I’ve set up another set called ‘It’s All About The Wallpaper!“, so you can see some of the designs she had to put up with. Enjoy, but again make sure you’ve taken your medication and have sunglasses ready as some of it’s a psychedelic trip!




The Graceful Curves of Doris!

Another model identified this time by PhilD, who originally sent through the top shot for identification in this post and then identified his own request 🙂 Phil later identified the model as Doris Hurst and sent through the bottom image of her from Beautiful Britons No.8 and definitely the same model.
Thanks to Phil another from the unknown models list identified!

Could It Be Gloria? (1958)

I published an image of this model last week from Kamera No.7 (1958), where she appears twice on a Tiger skin rug. After that post Jeff mailed me with a possible identification of her, as Gloria Conlan, but I’m still not 100% convinced? I actually published a set of photo’s of Gloria Conlan by Harrison Marks that appeared in the Fiesta Spring Special 1957 (Pages 46-49), so the timeline works.  She also appears in the above shot from Kamera Special No.2 (1958).
Is it Gloria, what do you think?

A Misty Mountain View For June (Original)

One of those unique shots of June fully dressed and not professionally posing for the camera. Taken on holiday in the 1960’s, June giving us a great side profile view dressed in white top and trousers on a balcony. An elegant shot and one we rarely see of June, as we’re more used to seeing and wanting the glamour model June on view! I love both, but these shots show us a different side of June.