Going Roman with Ann Dixon

A Roman theme to this shot of Ann Dixon (Hazel Taylor) with the toga like dress and grapes.  A much more elegant shot of ann with her hair up from the 1950’s Glamour Book that includes a range of images from Russell Gay publications, including Fiesta and Knave with the Odd QT image thrown in for good measure.

June Russell – A Sharp Intake of Breath! (1958)

Another June and another different view, this time from below! I’m not actually sure if it was taken from below or she was laying back and the photo has been rotated 90 degrees? Anyway a different view of June Russell from Kamera No.16 (1958) and a shape intake of breath from her as this shot was taken I think!

June Simpson – A Conservatory View! (1958)

What a pose from June Simpson showing off that fantastic figure and rear to good effect in this shot, with her ached back highlighting the curve of her bum even more! Taken in the conservatory at Pamela Green’s parents house in Kent by Harrison Marks and appearing in Kamera No.16 (1958). Sometimes it’s the obscure poses that tend to stimulate the mind, more than the more obvious shots!

June & The Wheel, Part 2

The second shot of June Palmer posing with a wheel by Harrison Marks that were published in Kamera No.27 (1959). Unfortunately the shots have been retouched for censorship reasons back then, but the way June poses it probably didn’t need much retouching. If the date of Publication is correct then this would put June at 19 when she had these shots taken.

As they appear in Kamera I’ve published them on this site, but they will also appear on Kamera Club for completeness.

June Palmer & The Wheel (1959)

Two shots of June Palmer posing with a wheel by Harrison Marks that were published in Kamera No.27 (1959). Unfortunately the shots have been retouched for censorship reasons back then, but the way June poses it probably didn’t need much retouching. If the date of Publication is correct then this would put June at 19 when she had these shots taken.
As they appear in Kamera I’ve published them on this site, but they will also appear on Just June for completeness.

A Blue Dawn! (Original)


Another scan from my growing collection of Dawn Grayson medium format negatives, again no nude stuff just an underwear shot! Saying that it’s a fantastic shot of Dawn kneeling on the bed in a blue underwear set and the quality and colours from this negative were excellent, with very little tweaking required. The original scan size of over 3000 pixels is equally as good and in time I’ll post a larger version to the site, but for now enjoy!

Note: This is an original image/negative and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.