June Palmer – A Handy View! (Original)

Shot number 5 from the ‘Bay Window‘ set of June posing stood on a window ledge at Ewhurst. This shot the negligee has slipped down further and june is protecting what is left of her modesty with her hands!

Sue Chester by Ken Williams

A great side profile shot of Sue Chester by Ken Williams from Lenz No.3 sitting outdoors on a wicker table. One for the smaller boob lovers out there as I’ve been accused of favouring the bigger girls too much, but I can’t help having my favourites 🙂

Gloria Lomax & Some Odd Wood! (Original)

A wonderful shot of the lovely Gloria Lomax in her prime taken from an original negative by Harrison Marks. A different shot of Gloria and looks to be uncensored, but I’m not sure about the wooden figure in the shot behind her! At first I thought it was some form of Owl, but on further review I think it’s a female figure?

June Out & About in London (Original)

Two shots of June out and about in London from the 1960’s sent through by John from scans of original prints.  The bottom shot seems to be in Trafalgar square the Queen Victoria Memorial looking up the Mall, with Buckingham Palace behind you (Thanks Yak!), but the top shot is difficult to pin point unless anyone knows London well? Despite that two excellent shots of June dressed and out on location.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Valerie Williams by Harrison Marks (1950’s)

I’ve seen this model pose for Harrison Marks in a number of early shots, but never been able to name her until now! That was until I came across a dressed shot of her in Art Advertiser and Studio News, which named her as Valerie.  I’ve posted on other shot of Valerie before as unnamed here

A Meeting With Margaret!

This weekend I spent a very enjoyable day with my eldest son at MCM Comic & Memorabilia Con at the NEC in Birmingham. Whilst the visit was primarily for him I did manage to meet one of my favourite models that features numerous times in this blog – Margaret Nolan! Margaret was one of numerous celebrities attending the event and was part of a James Bond 50th anniversary area that also included Honor Blackman, Shirley Eaton and others. The list of other celebs was endless , but Caroline Munro was another highlight.
We arrived fairly early as we had priority entry an hour before the general public, so things were quiet and people we still arriving and setting up.  Anyway I suggested we walk down the guest signing area to see who was around and there setting up her booth was none other than Margaret Nolan! Although busy setting up she took time to stop and chat and pose for a few photographs, as well as sign one of her photographs for me, which you can see blow. As no one was around we had the luxury to chat a while about her career, James Bond and other snippets, so my day was made before it had really begun!

Margaret had many photo’s on display to choose from for her to sign and I chose the one below, but there were many from Goldfinger, Carry on Films and other appearances. Chatting about the shots she said that funnily enough the most popular shot people wanted her to sign was of her laying on a towel in a black Bikini, which you can just see behind her hand. I said I preferred my choice which she happily signed, whilst all the time chatting to my son about what he wanted to see at the convention.

We left her to continue setting up, but what a wonderful encounter with a wonderful lady and we saw her walking round later in the day, still smiling and chatting after what must have been an exhausting day!
Thanks to Margaret for the photo’s, autograph and chat it was a true pleasure and my sons parting comment – Haven’t got a clue who that was, but she was nice!

Gina Martin – Beautiful Britons No.83

Gina Martin or (Tina Graham, Gina Graham, Christine Cater or Chris Williams, take your pick) on the cover of Beautiful Britons No.83 (October 1962). What I didn’t realize or make the connection was that Christine was married to Ken Williams the photographer, hence the name Chris Williams, doh!
I love the BB or Spick and Span covers and the attempt (sometimes bad) to colour a black and white photo for the cover, such as this cover of Gina. Still it gives it a certain uniqueness and appeal now.

June & The Broom Handle (Coloured)

Catching up on the coloured versions of June by Oldiznewagain and this is another cracker of June by Stefan Glass coloured. Perfect skin tones and love the details in this like the pink toe nail polish 🙂

Original for comparison … Here