Rita Landre – La Chatte (1960)

Pamela Green posing as Rita Landre on the Alley Set, or should it be Parisian Alley set with ‘The Cat’. This came from Kamera No.23 (1960) and was actually titled ‘La Chatte’ and probably one of GHM’s own beloved cats making another guest appearance in one of his shots. I think this set of Rita posing in and around the alley has to be one of my favourites of her.

June Palmer – It’s Not Always About The Body! (Original)

A beautiful close-up of June taken at June and Arthur Howell’s home by Itsgardin in 1987, showing us that it doesn’t always have to be about the body and sometimes a facial shot can express things just as well. Love this shot of June in her 40’s (47 to be precise!) – Thanks Itsgardin.

Georgette Gautier & The Devil!

An original unretouched medium format negative scan Georgette Gautier (Terry Maloney) by Harrison Marks. Posing on the loft set with various props including the (red) devils head that has appeared in various other shots and locations. This shot also shows a little appendectomy scar that would possible be retouched out for publishing and what a fabulous chest this woman had! Thanks to Kevin for sending through this cracking shot.

June & The Wheel (1960)

A 20 year old June posing in Kamera No.27 (1960) for Harrison Marks. This time posing on the loft set, but again with a wheel in the background and a very similar shot to the one that appeared in Kamera No.23, not sure what that was all about! unfortunately the shot has been retouched for censorship reasons back then, but the way June poses it probably didn’t need much retouching.

June Palmer by Itsgardin – 1980 (Original)

Yesterday I posted these images of June that I found via Tumblr posted by user Itsgardin, wondering if they were originals and taken by him. Well Itsgardin has contacted me and yes they were taken by him along with the one above, that was taken at Strobe Studios in 1980. What a great teasing shot of June as she drops her jeans!

Apparently Itsgardin has been a big fan of June Palmer for many years and is also a fan of this site and took photographs of June over a period of 12 years from 1975 until 1987 when she retired even for her most ardent fans. He has about 6500 photographs (wow!) of her over this period and has only just started publishing them.

A big thank you to Itsgardin for sharing these unseen images of June during that period and also allowing me to publish them on this site and I can’t wait to see more of those 6500 shots of June 🙂

June Palmer – Highlighted Beauty (Original)

A third shot of June by Stefan Glass and again this is a quite exquisite shot of her posing in the light from a window showing off her perfect figure and pose. I particularly like the side profile of her face with her perfect hair and those ornate earrings.

I have again produced a cropped version of the original image based on the marked up contact sheet showing how it was originally planned to be cropped and used, but think I prefer the wider original version myself.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.