June Palmer – Wet on Black (Original)

The second shot from the photo set of June in the shower wearing jewels and long black gloves I’ve title ‘Wet on Black‘. Taken at Scotlee studio’s in 1971 this shot comes from the John W archive and is again an original


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.negative scan.

Tiffany St.Clair (Pam Arnold) – Girl Illustrated

I came across this cover of Girl Illustrated Souvenir Edition No.1 over on eBay and knew I recognised the face! On investigating I’m pretty sure that Tiffany St.Clair is none other than GHM model Pam Arnold. So another model that posed under another name for Harrison Marks and I now have more shots of Pam/Tiffany, which can’t be a bad thing! I’m convinced it’s her not only because of the similar facial features and hair, but on other shots both of her as Tiffany and Pam she has a small scar/pock mark on her cheek, but you decide?.

Erica – Kamera No.21 Cover (1959)

Another scan of an original Kamera Magazine, this time Erica on the cover of Kamera No.21 (1959) She appears to be on the bedroom set with that floral wallpaper again and a signed Eve Eden print in the background.

June in Orange & Black (Original)

The start of a different set of images of June wearing an orange and black swimsuit in the sea and later scuba diving.  I’ve already published a shot of June in the swimsuit and scuba gear here, but a great set of non nude candid shots of June on holiday


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Annie Walker by Terry Sparks (1964)

A simple but stunning shot of Ann Walker taken in 1964 by Terry Sparks and one that comes with a story attached 🙂
Terry recently found the site whilst searching for one of his favourite models, Gloria Lomax and decided to contact me. It transpires that Terry spent three years working for Russell Gay from April 1966 to late 1968. What many people don’t know, is that Russell Gay lost interest in taking pictures around 1965 and thereafter concentrated on publishing, particularly QT, Fiesta and Knave. He employed Terry and Ken Williams to shoot for him. So although pictures were still going out stamped “Russell Gay Studios” they were in fact taken by Terry or previously Ken Williams. Russell did continue directing 8mm films but left the running of the studio, finding models etc. to Terry. As Terry stated it became quite frustrating to see his photographs being published with Russell’s name on them, but as he paid a reasonable salary Terry lived with the fact. After Terry left RG’s employment he went freelance, but still worked out of his studio and he also let him use a small office on condition that Russell got first refusal on any thing that Terry shot. This meant that Terry was still effectively shooting for Fiesta and Knave but it also allowed him to sell any pictures Russell did not want to his agents in the States and on the Continent.
Terry sent me the above photo which he took of Annie Walker in May 1964 before he worked for RG. Terry later became friends with Ann and remembers spending one afternoon wallpapering her bathroom in her new flat after she split with Ed Alexander. What a great story!
A big thank you to Terry for the wonderful story and image of Ann, as these are the things that make doing this site such a pleasure. Terry has promised to keep in touch and provide more stories and information and I already have another shot of Ann and some memorabilia from him.

Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.

Marie Davis – QT Beauty!

Marie Davis (AKA Ronnie Caldwell AKA Karyn Keith) posing for Russell Gay with the infamous checked background used on many of his QT covers! A similar shot to this of Marie also appears on the cover of QT No.37. I’m afraid these pumpkins are as near as you’ll get to a Halloween post from me 🙂

Gloria Lomax – Kamera No.88 (1968)

Gloria Lomax (Donna Ambrose) posing amongst some ornate furniture in Kamera No.88 (1968). I’m not too sure, but it could potentially be indoors at Ewhurst Manor, but there are only two shots in this edition of Kamera. Both are cropped shots, so don’t give you too much of a view of anything other than the furniture.

A Teasing Tina Madison!

Two shots of Tina Madison posing on a single bed in blackcorset, stockings and panties! It looks to be the same bed and set as this shot of her posing with Pat Ebdon and these along with several other shots were republished in the 1950’s Glamour book. Photographer unknown, but likely to be Russell Gay or on of his team.