Extended Holiday!

It looks like I will be taking an extended holiday from my sites due to an unforseen failure of my main PC. Thankfully I backed everything up before the holidays, but need to find a new PC, so off to the sales!

I’ll be back online soon I hope ☺


Unknown Bathtime Blonde – Lenz No.3


Another shot of this unknown model appearing in Lenz No.3 and photographed by Ken Williams posing in the bath.  She appears in several publications including several shots of her alone and with Dawn Grayson in Kamera No.65, which also includes a double page spread of her!
This is actually Lisa Hamilton who also posed for Harrison Marks.

June Palmer Starring The Sheepskin Rug! (Original)

The second shot from a set of 8 negatives I purchased of June posing in long blonde wig at Scotlee studios in the 1970’s.  All 8 images have June either posing on a sheepskin rug or in front of a bamboo room divider or both! Very little restoration required as the negatives were very good quality, just a slight colour tweak to cut the reds.


Note: This is an original image and subject to this copyright notice, but can be individually shared as long as the image remains unaltered and this website is acknowledged as the source.
